MejlaSusanna Kierkegaard+ FÖLJÅSIKTDags to update the Swedish self-image Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.Photo: Manu Fernandez / TT NEWS agency/ NTB ScanpixLEDARE

Sure, we see us as a humble people. Modest reformists on the world stage, jämställdister and the conflict neutral mediator. At home we like just in time, have a coffee and not too much spices in the food.

But on holiday have the Jante stay at home. The swede flies five times as much as the average världsmedborgaren, according to a new report from Chalmers university of technology that the environmental protection agency ordered.

Above all, it is trips that is increasing. All in all, we travel twice as much by air as we did in 1990.

Klimatförstörarna is faster than the technique

Those who want to pat themselves on the shoulder points out that the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, despite more travel, has remained essentially unchanged since the turn of the millennium. This is partly due to new technology and more people squeezed into each aircraft nowadays.

Certainly, it is a small light in a bleak forecast. But, unfortunately, the report concludes also that the flygvolymerna is growing faster than technological and organizational efficiency improvements. Thus, it is possible hardly to sit back and continue as before – how good and quick the technology is, we are quicker to destroy the climate.

– Many researchers point out that the low-hanging fruit when it comes to emission reductions already have been plucked while the radical technological shift is many decades. Biofuel is lifted often raised in the context however, the availability of biofuel with a low carbon footprint is limited, ” says one of the report writer Jörgen Larsson to DN.

is not to wave away flying

Global expected number of air passengers will increase by 4 percent per year over the next 20 years. Assuming this is true, and that the land-based emissions follow a path towards the 2 degree target, emissions from international flights be over a fifth of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Flying is nothing to wave away.

It is time to realize that we belong to the world’s skurkgäng when it comes to flying. Sure, we are swedes, the skilled in the class on the global climate meetings and diligent sopsorterare, but our impact on the environment abroad, should lead to less and less relevant.