Two meetings of the Federal Council, to distribute to the departments. Now it is clear why: It comes to the great castling, the majority of the departments shall, at the beginning of the year a new head or a new head. At first glance, it is remarkable that Switzerland, for the first time in its history, a defence Minister. This brings to more than 20 years, SVP-leadership in the military Department is undoubtedly breath of fresh air.

However, Guy Parmelins departure from the defense Department after only three years, a sign of weakness: Obviously, the Romand may not care about the development of the army. And also when he launched the renewal of the air force, which is currently arg in the review, he commits desertion.

Parmelin has been under heavy pressure from his party to change the Department. Leadership would have been to resist the pressures, and to leave the VBS only after the attainment of substantial success. In addition, questions regarding the Suitability of the barely English-speaking Federal Council as the new economic and higher education Minister. Can look forward at least to the farmers. You are poking at Wine Parmelin on more understanding, as this was the predecessor of Johann Schneider-Ammann of the case.

CVP is losing influence

Little pleasing castling for the CVP: Viola Amherd, as new defense Minister a lot of public attention, which is also the party benefits. The bottom line is, the Christian will lose Democrats a massive influence in the Federal Council. Doris Leuthard, coined as the Minister for Infrastructure, energy and transport policy of the country. Her successor must deal with a controversial Arms deals and a Department with limited room for manoeuvre.

Also not completely happy Karin Keller-Sutter with the Department of justice. Although the FDP has a woman once due to their tough asylum policy, which she has represented as St. Gallen’s safety Director. Since her election to the Council of States shunned Keller-Sutter of the asylum dossier, however, consistently and shifted its focus on economic, social and European issues. Now you will be obtained to a certain extent, from their past.

It is not, however, to assume that Keller-Sutter as once justice Minister Christoph Blocher, the asylum policy of the predecessor’s exacerbate not always possible. Only in 2016 the people have approved a asylum reform, the asylum numbers go back continuously. So that remains open at the Moment, where with a lot of laurels to the office the start is set at the end of Keller-Sutter to their accents. As Minister of economic Affairs, you would have been able to play an important role in the Strong of the negotiations for the accompanying measures. This task is SVP-guy Parmelin is now.

SP as a big winner

the SP Remains the big winner of the castling. With Simonetta Sommaruga, the infrastructure Department of the Era Leuthard back in social democratic hands. Together with Alain Bersets interior Department, the social Democrats occupy departments in order for two Keys.

It is remarkable, that the civil government has allowed this to happen. Apparently Parmelins exchange request was so great that he agreed to in return of this castling. Thus, the Polparteien SVP and SP have pressed their interests by – through a vote in the usually harmony the needy body to the Federal Council.

Sommaruga, in particular, will need to push ahead with energy revolution, whose previous balance is very sobering is true: The nuclear power plants are to go as the people wanted from the network. The replacement by renewable energy is not progressing. Here, generally, when it comes to climate protection and promotion of public transport, are likely to increase to expect from the social-Democrat impulses – which also clashes with the bourgeois Parliament. Appropriate advice can get Sommaruga during her Predecessor and party colleague, Moritz Leuenberger.

In the chess game can open up a castling move new prospects and the Situation for the Better: In the ideal case, the will arrive in the Bundesrat, even if the Department of distribution, little is done by mutual agreement and has not led to an optimum result. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 10.12.2018, 13:56 PM