According to The Guardian, founder of Tesla, Elon Musk, told in an interview in the tv programme Axios on HBO that he is considering to move to Mars.

In the interview, he says that there is 70 percent chance that he will fly to Mars in a SpaceX rocket within the next 7 years. It writes

despite The fact that the possibilities to return to Earth, according to Elon Musk himself is uncertain.

– We believe that you can get back (to the Earth, ed.), but we’re not sure, he says in the interview, where he also explains that it is far from certain that he would survive.

– the chance to die on Mars is much larger than on Earth. It’s going to be hard. There is a big risk to die when you are travelling in a small can through outer space.

If it were to succeed him, to land on Mars, the journey will not be a holiday or a rigmands-exile, he points out also in the interview.

He expects that he will work nonstop to build a base’, and that ‘not going to be much leisure.’

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