even Though Anders Vanggård have been happy to be in this year’s season of ‘Farmer looking for love’, so it’s not all, he is just satisfied with, after he has seen the program run over the screen on TV2.

He believes that he has been cut completely wrong in the program.

he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– I am glad that I am with the program, it has been a really good experience, but I am upset and tired of the way I have been cut on, because I think I produced much more boring than I am, says the 43-year-old farmer to Ekstra Bladet.

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Anders chose Inge-Lise to take with you on a romantic date. Photo: TV2

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the Particular one situation is the farmer not especially fond of.

– When I take the girls home to meet my parents, it is cut very hard, it is going to act as if we do not talk, and that I and my family are very boring. There has gone something wrong there, and I do not think it is in order, says Anders Vanggård.

According to the farmer he has spoken to TV2 of silence, after he has seen the programmes.

– The (TV2, red.) have apologized for me, for it was the clip just boring enough, and I am going to appear very dry. Those who have cut it, have not been those who have filmed it, so they know me not, saith the Anders Vanggård

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Although much of the cutting according to Anders Vanggård have been just to the boring side, so there have, however, also a place for fun and games along the way – also from the side.

As Anders Vanggård and Inge-Lise is on a romantic weekend, the iconic tune from the ‘Clown’series played, while the 43-year-old farmer has white underwear and a tanktop – just like Frank Hvam has a ‘Clown’.

– It was actually my own idea, because I thought it might be fun. So I had to get out and buy white knickers, ” says Anders Vanggård with a laugh.

For Ekstra Bladet says Mads Volck, who is the editor of the ‘Farmer looking for love’, that he is sorry that Anders Vanggård have had a bad experience.

– It is too bad that there’s a clip, Anders not totally think, portrays him and his family nuanced enough. Of course, we have also spoken with Anders about. When it is said, so shall be liable, we know that Anders has been very, very pleased to participate in the ‘Farmer looking for love’ and think it has been a really good experience to be in the program, the sounds from the editor.

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