The negotiations between PP and Citizens to forge the first alternative Government to the PSOE in Andalusia begin officially on Tuesday, but the basis on which to close the agreements are finalized. On the table is the presidency and vice-presidency of the Board, it would already be virtually awarded to the popular, Juan Manuel Moreno, and the candidate of the party of orange, John Marin, respectively, and the distribution of firms by 50% between the two formations. The two parties want to seal the alliance before Christmas —the 27 is the Camera andalusian— so that in the concert when they arrive, the presidency of the Parliament will be inextricably linked to the Executive’s andalusian. This has been expressed these days, high fees popular of Andalusia, with whom they made the pact to the legislature and even the first executive measures are almost closed. In any case, the ultimate success of this agreement depends upon the concurring votes of Vox during the full investiture.


“My only red line is the chair of the Board,” The addresses of PP and Citizens watch over the covenants in Andalusia “Is to shout out loud: let The spaniards first!”

The talks are very advanced, say sources from both parties. The general secretaries of the PP and Citizens, Teodoro García Egea and José Manuel Villegas, who lead the respective negotiating teams, have already maintained a few contacts last week and have been built since the foundation of the agreement, indicate. The popular give for the fact that it will be Moreno, the president of the Board, and John Marin will be the vice-president only. The pdp candidate promised during the campaign that if he won the elections, would establish two vice-presidents, one of the Economy, Finance and Tourism and another of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Moreno is about to give up that bicefalia to give more relevance to the position that would occupy the leading territorial Citizens.

At this point, the formation of Albert Rivera will assert your thesis that they are the force that grew the most and the one who must lead the change is Marin, given that the PP cases of corruption is incapacitated to manage a project of this regenerator in Andalusia. Sources of the PP, however, argue that frustrate the alternation in the community for enforcing the expectations of the leader territorial of the oranges would end up passing invoice to Citizens and that the option of Moreno is very advanced. The president of the popular andalusian has been manifested very confident in this possibility in the last few days, indicate from their environment.

To change to make sure the direction of the Government, the PP offers Citizens the presidency of the Parliament. A figure relevant in the evolution of the parliamentary life of andalusia by the importance of their functions. For your choice, in addition to the votes of both parties, it would be necessary for the Vox. If the support is executed, the most on the Table, also strategic, it would be in the hands of the so-called block of the right.

Government change before the end of January

Both parties in a hurry to make the change and shuffled the 25 of December or the maximum the 26, to formalize the closing of the agreement. Once constituted, the Parliament, on the 27th of December, the parliamentary groups are organized within the five days following, and its president could begin to call them to query for, in the maximum period of 15 days, set the full investiture. If it meets the dash, there would be a chairman of the Board other than the PSOE for the first time in 36 years, before the end of January.

The party of the ultra-right has paved quite the path to the agreement between PP and Citizens to ensure that they do not oppose Government positions in exchange for their support to the alliance that favors the order of the socialist governments in the Board. Here is where Rivera will try to search for the abstention of the PSOE in the second round, to avoid the predicament of being saddled with the ballast of which have been backed by a right-wing party, support on the that have warned their european partners of the ALDE group and its candidate for mayor of Barcelona, former French prime minister, Manuel Valls. Having to cope with the weight of that support for the Vox is the best in the trust the socialists to thwart at the last moment the agreement between the PP and the training orange.

The popular and Citizens have also laid the foundations of the first steps will be if they end up occupying the palace of San Telmo, the seat of the andalusian Government. In the absence of knowing the distribution of firms, which would almost by half, and that is what is yet to be decided, according to sources, the change of policy and structure in Health and Education would be one of the first steps to take, as well as the reduction of taxes, they say. The audit of the public sector, included in the program of Citizens and that Vox has also claimed it will also be one of its priorities to reform the administrative structure of the Board and cut and remove the bodies duplicate.