Søren Brinkløv started SB Electric Automatic in december 2013. He has only one employee in the company, which in addition to low electrical specialises in automatics for ventilation, as well as troubleshooting and replacement of older brandspjældsstyringer.

Søren Brinkløv driving to work in a Ford Custom van, he has had in more than four years now.

Photo: Robert Tillitz

Søren Brinkløv

the Owner of the SB Electric Automatic


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I have even designed the car’s interior design, and then I got it made by a woman in the midwest. The car is some years old, but I spend so many hours here that it is important that I know exactly where things are at.

I have made a bow, so there is room for all kinds of pipes in different sizes. It means a lot that the pipe size will not be a problem to transport.

Usually hangs a ladder, that is adapted to the door, but I’m just now starting to use around the corner.

I have even hung the hooks up in the load area, so there is room for different jackets and other clothing.

Her who made the car, suggested that there should be greater distance between the shelves. I declined at the time, but I can sometimes regret today.

From the door in the side there is access to all my tools. It is easy to get to, and it also provides a greater security in connection with the burglary in the car.

Show us your load area, master!

A shelter under the shower, a seat in the lunch break and a place for all the gear you need. Varebilens load area plays such a big role in many craftsmen’s everyday lives, that they quickly come to reflect their owners in one way or another.The tradesman will be in the next appendix go exploring a few of the countless unique load area, running around in Denmark.Stand your load area out a little from the usual, or do you know one that does, please write to: mathias@mediamovers.dk