Bruges, Five students of the KTA Sint-Michiels Brugge have a private facebook group with threatened a ‘attack to commit to a OKAN-class in their school’, where non-Dutch speaking newcomers end up. The young people also shared photos of weapons and were racist talk freely. “The five students are preventively suspended”, please let the school know.

nota bene one of the affected students themselves, that the story of the paintings did against the board of directors. The teenager was on the mat called for extreemrechtste statements such as “it must be done with all the strangers in our land”. He gave during a conversation that he his ideas exchanged with peers in the private facebook group ” The right-wing alliance of the KTA’. The management took the matter seriously and decided to the police to enable it. In the facebook group went further than racist talk only. As posing one of the teenagers in soldatenoutfit and with weapons. Research has shown that his father was a wapenverzamelaar is and he is so to the copy himself. Further, the five boys, 17 and 18 years old, about an attack on the OKAN class of their school. From the investigation of the police is meanwhile shown that it is likely to be stoerdoenerij of teenagers with right-wing beliefs.


The next day, the boys will continue to be answered, but at this time it seems that they are mostly themselves hard, startled, and realize that they wrote are gone. The Bruges public prosecutor let know that there no arrests have been made and there is also no one for the juvenile court judge had to appear. At KTA, they follow the case further. “It’s going to be a five learners: an absolute minority so, if you know that there are 1,700 on our school,” explains spokeswoman Greet Verleye. According to her, there is a specific problem in the KTA does not exist. “We are a multicultural school where the leerlingenbegeleiders all adhere strictly to them. The fact that we are the racist talk and facebook group have quickly intercepted, proves that the approach of our leerlingenbegeleiders works.” To invest the school in activities associated with the integration of the different cultures easier. The group of students was Monday morning, preventively suspended, and may, thus, will be no lessons. The executive board wait for the police investigation to the final action to be taken. Pending get all the parents and teachers a letter sent to the school the situation explains. This will include the students involved not be named. (read more under the picture)