Our faces betray what we eat and drink. Mostphotos

you’ve probably found that rambunctious in the evening after the facial skin is dull and pale? By contrast, you can combine a morning of lackluster dark eyes coasters and bloom in the jaw? Or forehead wrinkles chocolate for eating?

Charlotte Tilbury skin care Nigma Talib according to the food and beverage committee appears on the face of our. The effects can be immediate and visible.

according to Him, diet is connected to it, how aging shows on the face.

– Sometimes I run on the street and tell you that he should remove from their diet dairy products or reduce the pasta to eat. Some of the face already one of the cereals, bread and pasta-filled day view pöhötyksen and swelling.

talib was according to a couple of glasses of wine can reflect the subtle to ryppyinä the mouth and eye area. A creamy sauce or cheese, in turn, dark eyes alusina.

He is not his views alone. Already in ancient medicine it was believed that the face has a connection on parts of the body. Today, the so-called face mapping is based on the same.

Talib is convinced that certain foods and beverages may cause chemical and hormonal changes that accelerate the ageing process externally and internally. Such substances include gluten, dairy products, sugar and alcohol. They can cause pimples, swelling, changes in skin color, premature wrinkles and skin slough off.

the Effects are of course unique. Another can chug milk like a little kid. The second face shows a small amount of dairy products.

the talib’s face, lipittääkö people wine, is he a sugar mouse, or whether gluten and dairy products to him.

wine face

a Typical mark:

the views of the tumblers or redness between the eyes, drooping eyelids, dilated pores, moisture poor skin, wrinkles of the cheeks, red cheeks and nose and the wings of the nose, the deep striae.

the Characters are typical for women who enjoy a wine glass or two several nights a week. The same thing I run on any alcohol.

Alcohol dries the skin. Dry skin wrinkles accentuate. Age you the wings of the nose of the tumblers may be lowered and siloittui, if the alcohol runs out and the skin will get moisture.

Alcohol is rich in sugar. Sugar damage the skin’s collagen production. The skin loses elasticity, your pores dilate and the eyelids drooping.

because of the space between is believed to reflect the condition of the liver. Alcohol is known to weaken the redness of the skin to inhibit the enzyme activity. Therefore, already a couple of glasses of wine can bring to the cheek and nose redness. Alcohol and very spicy food get the cheeks and nose, the capillaries expand and blood rise to the surface of the skin. If this happens regularly, the capillaries remain laajentuneina and face are constantly in the red roof.

Correction: a three-week break from alcohol use. After the break, follow the 80/20-rule, i.e. to refrain from drinking 80% of the time. Popular grapes sauvignon blanc, pinot grigio, merlot or pinot noir wines produced. These grapes contain less sugar.

mostphotos sugar face

a Typical mark: forehead wrinkles, eye bags, haggard look, painful and fester my zits on the face, thinning of the skin and a grayish or pale complexion.

If your diet consists largely of sugars and carbohydrates, the skin will have to fight to stay young. For example, cake, pastries and white rice convert in the body fast into sugar. Too much sugar weakens collagen. Normally flexible and elastic collagen strands change rigid and inflexible. This can make the skin thin and hanging. Skin wrinkles prematurely, especially under the eyes where skin is particularly thin.

the Forehead skin is a reflection digestive space. Sugar’s face appear on his forehead ryppyinä and läikkinä. Excessive sugar is also shown to fat metabolism. Therefore, the sugar mouse, the face may lose the inherent rasvani and face looks a little haggard.

Sugar is also hampered by disturbing the skin’s delicate bacterial balance. The result could be acne on the face, shoulder and chest.

sugar mouse skin is often strikingly pale. Sugar elevates insulin levels, which in turn stimulates the stress hormone cortisol production. Before long, the skin is not only pale also dull lifeless.

insulin values of the imbalance can be reflected in such a way that the eyebrows are changing into thin and hennoksi.

Correction: the consumption of Sugar reduction can be a quick and lasting effect on the face. For best results, avoid cakes, biscuits, fruit juice, höttöhiilareita and processed food. Already sugar intake should be halved to get visible results.


a Typical sign: Swollen eyelids, eye bags and dark circles around the eyes as well as white papules and wheal on the chin.

any of the above can deny the fact that the body efforts to melt milk and milk products. The problem may occur only aging, because with age the body loses lactose to cleavage by enzymes.

Lactose can get the body’s immune system to release inflammation-causing chemicals that affect the skin, too. Erythema and edema in addition, it may reflect a bloaty eyelids, eyes or sacks nor do imports and dark cosmetics used around the eyes.

that’s Not all. A glass of milk can also contain hormones and chemicals residues. They can mix their own our hormones, especially estrogen and progestin and cause pores blockage.

the Jaw is thought to reflect the reproductive organs of our activities. Therefore, the hormone-containing papules erupt often specifically to the jaw.

Correction: Leave the dairy products in your diet to three-week period. The end result can be amazing

gluten face

Typical of the brand: Puffy and red roof cheeks, dark areas or spots on the chin.

Many people are sensitive to some degree to gluten, even fewer have diagnosed celiac patients. Gluten.hypersensitivity may appear on the face swelling or tulehduksena. Sensitivity reflects the skin pigmentation of the corresponding cells. They produce jaw area of skin aging related dark spots.

Many rosacea (acne rosacea) suffering can be found in bother relief by omitting gluten from their diet

Correction: Avoid gluten, drink lots of water and eat fibers. Swelling disappears, the facial skin colour will improve and the cheekbones, will start to stand out.

Source: Daily Mail

the Case is published in the evening journal for the first time 2.11.2015.

do you see the age of your skin? This test will easily make your skin age pinch