Good news+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVDonerar two million to the home for the elderly – after his dödGODA NEWS

this week, the geriatric Tunagården in Eskilstuna, it is good news that the two million dollars donated to their business. But it was bittersweet – the fine gift comes from one of Tunagårdens previous accommodation.

– We are lacking of course him and are grateful that he thought of us, ” says head of unit Anneli Carlson Aftonbladet.

Recently it was decided that care and omsorgsboendet Tunagården receives the testamentary gift of two million, Eskilstuna-Kuriren wrote about earlier.

– It’s unbelievable, we have been shocked, ” says Anneli Carlson, head of unit at the Tunagården.

the Donation comes from a patient who had lived in the home since 2005. In the last winter, died of the man – and left behind an unexpected gift.

– It’s great fun. He thought always of his co-tenant and us the staff, ” says Carlson.

Photo: ESKILSTUNA MUNICIPALITY.After the neighbor fine gift, can the accommodation on the Tunagården rejoice at a budget intended solely for social activities. To go to game nights and parties

Testament was very clear – the money should go to social activities for the residents and nothing else. In the will he has stated that his desire is that ”the funds shall be used to increase the range of activities”.

Carlson who worked on the property when the man moved in and got to know him very well, and is actually not so surprised when she thought about it. During his time at the property, he would like to be with and do what he could to improve conditions on the property. He invited politicians and officials in the discussions and wanted to hear about staff meetings.

– He was very much involved in what happened on the property and was the subject of all of us.

the Next step is to förvaltningsledningen will develop the concrete plan on how and what the money will be spent on the purely specific, but it relates to, for example, game nights and parties.

– He would often arrange evenings with entertainment, he played harmonica and kept in allsångsgrupper. So it will be fun if it gets like that.

”Absolutely amazing”

Two million is not little money and it is to be spent on just social activities as entertainment is something that really pleases the residents of the Tunagården. From now on they will have a budget only for fun and relaxing activities.

– They are very happy and think it will be great fun. It’s absolutely amazing, ” says Carlson.

the Man has no close relatives alive and with the money hope site also to be able to celebrate his birthday in the form of a day of remembrance for him.

– I am so grateful to have taken part of his life. We lack, of course, him and are grateful he thought of us, ” says Carlson.