There is already spent decades and billions, of dollars to prepare for the gothenburg between the islands of Lolland and the German island of Fehmarn.

A construction project of the dimensions, which are collectively expected to cost the Danish and German treasuries is more than twice as much as it cost to build the great belt Bridge.

Therefore, it may also not surprise that the project has taken a long time. But just as one expected that the construction work could begin in the course of the next year, the fehmarnbelt project has now run into yet another backstop. It writes the Engineer, who made a phone call to a number of German politicians and parties in the project.

Thus, it suggests that the work can hardly be begin in 2019, and that tunneled between Denmark and Germany more than likely the first will be finished in 2030 rather than in 2028, as has been the plan.

The new motorway connections to our neighbours to the south will be built as a sænketunnel under the fehmarnbelt. When it is finished, it will by all accounts be the longest sænketunnel in the world.

the Goal is that the link will shorten travel time between Copenhagen and Hamburg by one to two hours for thousands of car and train passengers every day.

however, There has been a lot of resistance against the project on both sides of the water. A large number of environmental organisations fear for what the plant gets of importance for the marine environment in the fehmarnbelt.

And when tunnelprojektet before christmas probably gets its environmental permit by the German authorities, has a wide range of organisations in advance announced that they would appeal the approval of a court.

Now we are at the core of the problem, and here it gets a bit technical: while we had anticipated that a new planning act in Germany would make it possible to begin the projects immediately after the environmental permit is ready – and in spite of any litigation – can you now run the risk anyway having to wait for several years.

It is due to the German transport committee has stroke a specific section on the Fehmarn-link in the comments to the planning act. Thus, according to the sources, the Engineer has spoken with, still had to wait on the outcome of a possible miljøretssag, before the actual work can begin.

After all, there is great doubt as to exactly how the new planning act should be interpreted. In the first instance, will wait to see what the German courts say, when the environmental permit is brought to court. And so it is, the promise of environmentalists.