decided during the week to present a common opinion in the committee. Meanwhile, the Centre party and the Liberals started negotiations with S if regeringsfrågan.

If SD backs up the M-KD-reservation and C and L are voting on their own, so it will go through, at least at the beginning. And despite the fact that SD has not seen the reservation in its entirety refers to the release it. The party has been part of several crucial elements in the relevant riksdagsutskotten on Thursday.

– It made the matter easier when you say that one should not degrade a cashier. We may hope that they are committed to it until Monday. Would you change at that point so we will probably convene both partiledning and alliance again, ” says Jimmie Åkesson to the DN.

Also savings in the area of migration and bets on the police played a major role for the sweden democrats ‘ decision. At the same time criticizes the SD leader of the Conservatives for being stingy when it comes to health-, medical – and omsorgspolitiken. Åkesson hope that the party’s conduct may open the doors to the Moderates and the Christian democrats in the future.

– It is not unlikely. From what I’ve seen and on the basis of the storm clouds I had painted up in the budget issue in the last week so they have taken this into account. It is also a way to negotiate, even if we do not talk with each other.

the Conservatives ekonomiskpolitiske spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson told DN on Wednesday that they have not had any contact with The sweden democrats on the issue. Something Åkesson confirms.

” We put forward our policy, which we have said to our constituents that we should do. I hope that it wins broad support, and I think that there are more parties than the two of us who think that this is good policy. We do what we have promised, we are bold with it and don’t intend to keep back. We are not afraid for others to vote on it and we are not afraid to present it to it right now, there is regeringsdiskussioner, said Elisabeth Svantesson.

and the KD is based according to the two parties of the Alliance’s joint reform agenda as presented for the election. Among other things, they say that they meet some of The centre party and the Liberal requirements on, for example, landsbygdssatsningar, stronger defense, increased security and more money to the municipalities. The parties also want to reduce taxes on labour and lower tax for pensioners.

it is Now up to the Centre party and the Liberals to decide whether they will release the government’s transitional budget or support a M-KD-budget. On Monday, it is clear how the parties asks when the finance committee adjusts the report on the 2019 year state budget.