the Days have become darker and darker, and now they also become colder and colder. Winter is, in other words over us.

This week will be marked by vinterlig precipitation and spejlglatte roads. You should therefore pay extra attention in traffic.

It explains Mette Wagner from DMI.

Drive carefully in the morning traffic, eftermiddagstrafikken and generally throughout the day, says Mette Wagner from DMI and stresses that the danes must pay special attention to the slippery roads, says Mette Wagner, who is on duty meteorologist at DMI.

during the week we can also look forward to the cold and wet cycling.

There are a portion of precipitation in the form of sleet and melting snow, and so will the nights be cold.

– We will probably be in the daytime between the freezing point and three degree heat, and then at night we have widespread frost, says Mette Wagner.