It can cost several children their lives, if the cuts on the country’s børneafdelinger continues.

the Warning comes from Morten Schrøder. He is a medical doctor at Rigshospitalet in copenhagen. At the weekend he called in the Extra Leaf on the politicians to leave desks and come with him on a night shift on the children’s ward.

regardless of what the politicians and the civil service think, so we KNOW out here, in fact, that there will be ever fewer hands for more tasks, he says, and tells how more børneafdelinger gradually is so pressed, that you, as a doctor or nurse is no longer set on having to learn to live with, if it could cost a child’s life – but when it does it.

Morten Schroder wake-up call came after Ekstra Bladet Saturday brought the story about how the two-year-old Olivia was admitted to Hvidovre Hospital with a banal ‘stomach upset’. But because of lack of communication, errors of assessment and errors in a væskeskema, she died a day after in the hospital. Of væskemangel.

It was Morten Shrøder to come forward with his fears that the pressure on the relationship a day can cost several child life.

– Come out and see with your own eyes how we work. Come out and discover what these cuts mean for the risk of that again there will be errors, in the worst case can cost lives, says Morten Schroder’s call.


international architects: Yes, thank you! I would like to with on a night watch

I think it is important we look at some of the things that Morten Schrøder come up with. For the 15 years of cuts in hospital care means that we have been cutting to the bone now, says international architects Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (A). Photo: Jacob Ehrbahn
Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (A) is responsible for the hospitals in the capital region. Thus, she is the top responsible for the tragedy in the spring, where the otherwise healthy Girl died of væskemangel, when she was hospitalized at Hvidovre Hospital in connection with a banal ‘stomach upset’.

the Doctor Morten Schrøder from Risghospitalet invite you now on a night shift, so you can experience what the cuts mean. What do you say to it?

– I would like to. I have so far been much around, but never on a night shift or at some of our hugely busy børneafdelinger. I think it is very important that we now follow up on some of the points and warnings, as he comes up with.

– How can it possibly happen that a little girl can die of væskemangel at a Danish hospital in 2018?

– I also asked myself, when I read about it. I myself am the mother of two children, and I was of course deeply affected by an otherwise healthy and healthy child in short period of time can get so bad that she dies because of poor communication and bustle.

– I agree that it should be taken deeply seriously, and we must have seen everything through to find out how and why, fejlkommunikationen happens. And how we can ensure the risk of, it can happen again, says Sophie Hæstorp Andersen.

Extra magazine Saturday

– We must note that, unfortunately, it was what happened in Olivias flow in the hospital. And the tragedy has also led us to restate, that when you change something as f.ex a væskeskema, it is extremely important that you also ensure that it has been communicated progress to both staff and parents.

– it Should not be assured for many years ago?

– Yes, but in the end we are all human and we make mistakes. We can not ensure a nulfejl-culture. But we have an obligation to learn from the mistakes. Now we, as management, have analysed it all, and find out whether we have taken good enough care of it here in the hustle and bustle. I agree that it was a factor in the tragedy, in which Olivia lost their lives. And we must take very seriously. It is also why I would very much like to go out and experience where we need to put more resources into. We have reviewed other departments for similar. The next, we should look at is our børneafdelinger.

– do you agree that there is a lack of hands, and it is there, there should be added more resources?

– Yes.

– I’ve had plenty of courses in the communication with parents and patients. It has apparently not worked?

– No, and I also agree that much more must be done. I know it is not on the absolutely catastrophic, that you have not listened well enough to Olivias parents in the process. And I can only put myself in, how terrible the consequences must be experienced for the family.

– What you will specifically ensure now?

– In the last fifteen years we have cut down the in our healthcare system, and we are not quite to the bone now. I agree that we can do as much, but if you don’t in daily life have a proper time for the tasks you must perform, it will burn you out. I recognise that there have to be several hands, and that it is important to get out and see where there is most need for them on the børneafdelingerne, if we are to ensure a better flow. And we must.