Loof and Bjorklund – require more of the Video:

the Debaters: take advantage of the status of the negotiations and drive on for free right to terminate and market rents

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. When the Centre party and the Liberals presented their demands to release a social-democratic government passed the labour movement in the ceiling. The S-tagged ledarskribenten Göran Greider called it a neo-liberal sectarian behavior and vänsterdebattören Daniel Suhonen said that it is ”a wish list from the Timbro”.

Anders Rönmark, liberal opinionschef at Mittmedia, jokingly described the conditions as ”a wish list that looks like an examination paper from the Stureakademin”, Timbros training for future multipliers.

Unfortunately, that is not true. We had wished that the parties are downloaded significantly more suggestions from our package of reforms.

One of the most urgent reforms for Sweden is to introduce market rents. Today’s housing market are forcing queues for several decades, and the tenancy agreement is so valuable that people commit crimes to get their hands on them.

the Left believes that market rents would increase segregation, but the fact is that the current utility-value system made to hyresrättsbeståndet is more segregated than bostadsrättsbeståndet. Weak groups such as young people and foreign-born pay high andrahandshyror, while those with money and contacts to get the subsidized rental apartments in central locations.

Free suggest free rents for occupancy of new tenants and that the concept of ”reasonable rental” are changed to ”reasonable rent increase” in the legislation. Then we can protect besittningsskyddet at the same time, as we gradually receive the fair market rents.

C and L want to have a freer rents than in the day, with a particular focus on newly built homes. It is a step in the right direction, but Sweden needs to be more far-reaching reforms, and it is a pity that the parties are not taking the opportunity to push through a major improvement.

When people are working more also increases tax revenues, this reform would, therefore, likely to finance itself

tax policy is another area where the C and L need to go up much harder. L want to abolish the värnskatten, the top five percent of the state income tax, but Sweden needs, in fact, abolish the state income tax completely.

It would give over a million workers more money in your wallet and increase the driving forces to train and work more, which is necessary in a situation where the skills shortages are the biggest tillväxthindret for the company. When people work more also increases tax revenues, this reform would, therefore, likely to be self-financing.

Turordningsreglerna must asvskaffas completely as well as the factual basis of the rule

as regards the employment field to the C and L change the turordningsreglerna in the law on employment protection (LAS). For businesses with up to 50 employees, they want skills rather than number of years of service shall be guided by layoffs and more people than today are to be excluded from turordningsreglerna.

Not even this is enough. Job security must be reformed fundamentally and open up for free right of termination. Turordningsreglerna must be totally eliminated as well as the factual basis rule, which makes it difficult to terminate an employment contract when the person does not work at the workplace.

To change the labour law under our proposals will benefit not only employers, but also particularly keen for people with low education. They often find it difficult to enter the labour market and once they succeed, they may often work on short-term contracts because it becomes too risky for employers to hire them until further notice.

Sweden is in great need of liberal reforms. C and L should therefore take advantage of their bargaining position to push through changes that can really improve people’s lives.

For the entrepreneurs who are the engine of the economy, for people and for the vulnerable people who currently are forced to the exclusion of the left system.

the Requirements that have so far been performed by Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund is hardly a wish list) – we expect significantly more.

\nSiri Steijer, program director for industrial relations at Timbro. \nEmanuel Örtengren, project manager with the responsibility for the socio-economic issues at Timbro.

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