The Job was considered a springboard for higher orders, sought after, not least because he is the holder of a switchgear and washing of the installed Power toner. The chief of staff of the White house resembled the Bouncer of an exclusive club: He is certain of who was let in, whom the President saw and what papers landed on the Desk of the commander-in-chief.

The once was. Like so much in the presidency, Donald trump the role of the chief of staff has been reduced. The end of the year John Kelly, the second chief of staff of the impetuous and unpredictable President will leave the White house. Like in front of him, Reince Priebus, Trump, in the summer of 2017 dropped, the neck of the former leather-General with a tainted Reputation. Who is Trump, loses almost inevitably to the View, and John Kelly is no exception.

Gone are the days when a Howard Baker stabilized the Iran contra scandal rocked the White house of Ronald Reagan, also gone are the days of light figures such as James Baker, under Reagan and George H. W. Bush as a model for subsequent joint chiefs of staff. While Trump praised the departing Ex-General on Saturday as a “great guy”, but Kelly failed, ultimately, to a Boss, the lack of discipline and intellectual laziness shape.

Video: trump’s next chief of staff John Kelly will go to the end of the year, said US President Donald Trump. (Video: Reuters)

and appalled by his Boss

he managed to muffle the Chaos in the White house, Trump but in front of yourself to keep Kelly was not Frustrated. Although he was close to the President ideologically: As the Boss of the General longed to be in a putatively ideal American world, he followed in the immigration policy of a hard line and was an extremely traditional view of gender roles.

Ugly came about: Kelly lay with the African American widow of a fallen soldier and the African-American members of Congress Fredericka Wilson, log in both cases, and refused thereafter, an apology. Nevertheless, he was sometimes frustrated because of and appalled by Trump. The President was “an Idiot,” the White house “crazy town,” – quoted by Bob Woodward in his tell-all book on trump’s first year in office.

The Ex-General denied, no one of political stature is of the essence, but then, to be his successor. Vice-President Mike Pences chief of staff, Nick Ayers was Trumps desire candidate on Sunday but the 36-year-old up-and-comer said. “You have to wonder why someone chief of staff in Trumps wants to be the White house,” said Chris Whipple, author of a book on the chiefs of staff of several presidents, the web portal Politico.

high lawyer waving costs and even jail time

in fact, anyone Who wants to as a supervisor in a government, a Central indentation that resembles a besieged property with a visibly beleaguered house of lords? John Kelly had to stand by Russia-special investigator Robert Mueller to answer, his successor must be equally prepared to fall in the Wake of Mueller’s investigation. High attorney’s fees waving, as well as the danger, to be in one or the other affair Donald Trumps involved.

an example of this: Richard Nixon’s chief of staff H. R. Haldeman spent for his role in the Watergate scandal, one and a half years behind bars.

On Monday were the names of several candidates in Washington, including the ultra-conservative Congressman Mark Meadows. Budget boss Mick Mulvaney is also in the conversation, even to him, but the Reputation which distinguished many of the chiefs of staff of the American President is missing. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 10.12.2018, at 22:19