The 1. september this year, rounded out the blue Bam-buses a sharp corner.

It was exactly ten years ago the buses, more formally known as the Building Arbejdsmiljøbusser, the first time rolled out on the Danish roads.

the Mission was to lift the working environment, and since they have 10 men in førersæderne completed over 1.6 million. miles and made no less than 18,000 visits on the Danish construction sites. It writes the Magazine 3F.

– the basic Idea was from the beginning to be visible and persuasive, and therefore, using our consultants, most of their time to run out, where there is a need for their help. A conservative estimate is that we have been out to meeting about 25-30.000 construction workers in the 10 years we have existed, says Peter Kirkegaard, who is the director of the Building Arbejdsmiljøbus to the magazine.

Then Bam-the buses for the first time rolled out on the roads in 2008, there were eight consultants behind the wheel. In the years, there have been two more in the initiative, which, among other the Danish Construction association and Byggegruppen in the 3F stands behind.

the Building Arbejdsmiljøbus is not a controlling authority like the labour inspectorate, but an offer of advice. The commissioners ‘ most important task, when they come out at the construction sites and vocational schools, therefore, is to provide guidance on how the working environment can be improved.

in Addition, the load area is loaded with various technical aids, which they can lend out to people. It can be lifting and løfteværktøj, which are suitable to relieve construction workers.

According to Peter Stenholm, who is the director of the Danish Construction association, it is a great advantage for the environmentally friendly, it is advisory rather than controlling.

– It has succeeded to the Danish Construction association and 3F in the community to share and anchor the knowledge about the work in the construction industry, and it makes a difference that it is independent consultants with mud on the boots, which stands for the instructions out at the construction sites, he says to the Magazine 3F.

Although it is difficult to measure the exact effect of Bam-certain visits, so believe Flemming Hansen, who is chairman of the steering committee behind the buses, yet to the many kilometers have been worth it.

– We find that many companies have got a tremendous boost in the formal working environment, which will be held sikkerhedsmøder and elected health and safety representatives, and I have no doubt that the Bam-bus has delivered a lasting and noticeable effect, says Flemming Hansen to the Magazine 3F.