smoking cessation is an investment in your health. But since you don’t always see how the body physically recuperates, it’s only a few of us who know what is really happening – and that it has a positive effect already after just 20 minutes. Below you can see how the body repairs itself, hour by hour.

Since the speed returns to normal.

the oxygen level in the blood returns to normal, and the amount of nicotine and carbon monoxide levels fall.

carbon monoxide is completely gone from the body and mucus and other debris from smoking starts to disappear from the lungs.

Now, there is no longer nicotine in the body. Both the flavors and the sense of smell has become better.

Breathing is slowly becoming easier. The bronchial tubes begin to relax, and your energy level increases.

the blood Circulation is improved, which makes it easier to walk and run.

the Risk of heart disease is halved compared to a smoker.

the Risk of lung cancer is halved compared to a smoker.

the Risk of a heart attack is the same as people who never smoked.

To stop smoking is one of the most amazing, you can do, but it is also one of the hardest. Did you know that you can double your chances of quitting smoking, if you in addition to your willpower may also use a nikotinprodukt?

nicotine products help to reduce withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke, by adding to the body of nicotine. You may know that the nicotine products contain a lower amount of nicotine than cigarettes, but did you also know that nicotine is absorbed into the body at a slower and more controlled manner? Therefore, the risk of becoming dependent on nicotine products lower than if you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products.

NICORETTE® can help you manage symptoms of withdrawal so you can concentrate on to experience the benefits of quitting smoking. the

Here is the plan that can help you on the way to quit smoking

Find the product that’s right for you. the

always Read the instructions. For more information