The elderly are discriminated against in Sweden – every day

Debater: On point after point, we get worse care, service, help, and economy

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. On 10 december, exactly 70 years ago, the UN general assembly to adopt a declaration of human rights. A historic decision that clarified that discrimination would no longer be allowed.

Despite the historic milestone of continuing discrimination daily in Sweden. When I, as chair of the PRO, Sweden’s largest senior citizens ‘ association, is confronted with many of society’s injustices, I am forced to conclude that human rights are significantly weakened when you get older.

Ageism, i.e. discrimination against older people, found nearly everywhere in our society, even if many deny it.

We can see ålderismen in the composition of the parliament. We who have reached the age of 65 years represent was the fourth of those entitled to vote. Among those who was elected to parliament, not even two per cent attained the age. I don’t want to be set up in different age groups against each other, but the composition of the decision-making assemblies should reasonably reflect society.

If you are older feel that politicians do not represent you, the explanation is simple. The reason is your age.

What happens if you as a pensioner, a disability which means that you need a tool? Certain, you will get access to the tools but in many counties, they are cheaper and of poorer quality than those which are prescribed for younger.

Our politicians talk about the importance of being able to work higher up in the ages, and certainly it should be possible for those who want to and can. It is, however, not all. For example, if you are visually impaired or physically impaired and need a arbetshjälpmedel to cope with your job, you will not get further compensation from the Swedish social Insurance if you are over 65 years of age.

for a long time, funktionshindersrörelsen fought to retain the right to state compensation for personal assistance. A struggle that we in the PRO set us behind. What few have considered is that the age sets other limits. Are you affected by an accident or disease after the age of 65 years you will have no right to government assistance.

A member called me a few days ago and told me about all the difficulties she suffered after his stroke. The training she needed was reduced to a minimum. Today, there are two alternatives for the rehabilitation. A the municipalities are responsible for where we end up that is older. Another managed by the county, with more resources and specially trained staff.

For those who are younger is the goal of rehabilitation that they should be able to get back to an active life. If you are older, society has set a considerably lower target. For the member who called, it was about being able to eat without help, but she is not satisfied. She knew myself the answer.

it’s a guarantee pension amounts to 8 076 kronor per month, and genomsnittspensionen to 12 400. Our policy makers have decided that you as a pensioner will accept to live on a low economic standard.

to combat ålderismen action is required at a variety of different areas of society, and the first is to take the declaration of human rights seriously. After 70 years it is time to ban age discrimination.

\nChristina Tallberg, chairman of the Pensioners ‘ Association, the PRO

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