Jupiter has not shown that he is deaf. The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, who is sometimes compared with the Roman deity, has held a speech. Now the head of state has kept in his presidency-of-a-Talking – to Europe, to the self-assertion of the liberal democracies, for the conversion of the cumbersome French economic system. But the address he gave on Monday night in Prime time, aimed at the Poorest in the country – the “yellow West” and all who sympathize with them.

Probably the protests of the “gilets jaunes are enumerated some of the” after the specific announcements for the improvement of purchasing power, the Macron, still a while to go. But the head of state manages to pull with his little socio-political turn of a large part of the Public to his side.

Macron, which his opponents have reassigned the label of “President of the Rich”, has done in his speech, two things: For one, he has delivered to his verbal attacks on the unemployed an apology, which expects a lot from him. If this “Mea culpa” should actually lead to a new style of the heads of state, less arrogant and with more empathy, then this could be the Protest of the “yellow West” of the top.

Secondly, Macron, more importantly, has announced that concrete steps for the improvement of the finances of many French people. Additional 100 euros per month for minimum wage earners and a waiver of the increase in the social tax for senior citizens with a pension of under 2000 euros – this is a big deal. In addition, Overtime should be no longer burdened with taxes and social contributions. This is likely to benefit from eight to nine millions of French people.

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don’t order far enough for the hard core of the yellow West

The hard core of the “yellow West” all of this, however, does not go far enough. They demand nothing Less than the abdication of Macrons. The first reactions of the “gilets jaunes”, which followed the traffic to the speech by the heads of state gyros anywhere in the country, to give an impression that it is not can you make the head of state already. Macron may exclaim the “economic and social emergency”, and he can announce as many country-wide consultations – the most Persistent among the Protesters is likely to only be satisfied when the Era Macron is finished.

Video 11.12.2018, 09:31 Uhr00:30 Min.Yellow West want to go further on the street

“Rassemblement National” and the Left are looking for their revenge

is not likely to come to it too quickly. Macrons presidency, which began 18 months ago, is set to a total of five years. His majority in the national Assembly is solid, and also a possible setback for the presidential party “La République en Marche” in the coming European elections is not likely to change the power relations in the neighbouring country, first of all, nothing.

the Macron is to be hoped that he can continue his course of Reform, France has long needed to continue. Whether it is him, however, to succeed, the planned renewal of the unemployment insurance and the pension system, is given in almost four weeks of ongoing protest wave in the open.

Not only the Head of the right-wing Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen, but also of the left movement by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the socialists have an interest in ensuring that the Protest is simmering as long as possible. They are all waiting for their Chance, after the disgrace in the presidential election of 2017, the situation in your mind almost back. “Yellow West” and the Opposition in the national Assembly – it is a difficult battle on two fronts, the Macron has just been through.

it must, However, also Macron, even if he was trying, in his televised address to the understanding of the Poorest, maintaining that the announced billion rain heavy Money is just a the beginning of can be. In his speech, the state has lost chief not a word about the excessive state apparatus, and the strain on the French budget.

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France Macron is trying to strike a blow for freedom

Tanja cake Becker

It would not be wrong if Macron would drive state spending – and in the meantime would re-implement forgotten election promise to cut the Posts out of a total of 120,000 public servants.