For the no-Committee of the urban sprawl initiative is “unnecessary and useless”. They prevent a meaningful development of the society and the economy. The revised spatial planning law fully for the reasonable use of land.

according to information from the broad-based national Committee on political parties and associations, has presented its arguments against the Initiative of the young Green on Tuesday in Bern. The Federal Initiative from the voting public on the 10. February 2019 to be adopted, there should be no new construction zone without an equally large area is ausgezont.

The Initiative to go radically further than the revised spatial planning act of 2014, and wool freezing the construction zones, “for ever”, say it in a message for the ‘ no-Committee. For the national Council Oliver Feller (FDP/VD) the purpose of the Initiative is basically, “the final standstill of time and space”. She wanted to turn Switzerland into a Fossil, the Director of the Western Switzerland real estate chamber in the speech text to the media conference quote.

in Addition, the desire will lead to unfair treatment of the cantons. The cantons and the municipalities, which have so far dealt carefully with your floor, would be punished, said Hans-Ulrich Bigler, Director of the Swiss trade Association (SGV), according to the speech text. The urban sprawl initiative is an example of the demand for extreme regulation, “which in the end hurts everyone”.

Overwhelmed cantons and municipalities

According to Co-President Werner Luginbühl would be too hard for a ‘ Yes ‘ to the Initiative of the Confederation, the cantons and municipalities hopeless. An assumption would also lead to a completely new legal situation and the ongoing efforts of the cantons and the municipalities, the BDP-Council of States from the Canton of Bern.

For Co-President, Thomas Egger, Director of the Swiss Association of mountain, would be rendered impossible the further development of the tourist offer in the mountains. The mountain communities had to fight enough as it is with the consequences of the second home initiative, stressed the Valais CVP national Council, according to the speech text.

There is a risk, so the ‘ no ‘ Committee is, finally, that the scarcity of the soil, the lease and the ground will screw up prices. And for many projects, for example, also in the alternative energy area, means the Initiative, said the Schwyzer SVP national councillor and farmer Marcel Dettling.


The urban sprawl initiative aims to restrict the Build outside of building zones, compared to today. In principle, only buildings for the soil-dependent agriculture, or the construction of buildings of public interest such as roads or power lines are likely to be approved.

Neueinzonungen of land would in the future be compensated. This creates, according to the initiators of an important incentive to use the available land efficiently instead of more and more grassland to use.

projects in tourism regions would be complicated by the fact that if you are in the public interest. For agriculture, there would be new restrictions. Greenhouses or poultry halls should not be created, for the most part on agricultural land.

The young Greens have tabled the Initiative in October 2016 with 135’000 signatures. Green, JUSO, Alpine initiative, umverkehR and more young parties and organizations to support the referendum. The Parliament recommends that the Initiative without a counter-proposal to rejection. For the Federal Council, the required regulation is too rigid, unfair, and counterproductive. (Dec/sda)

Created: 11.12.2018, 16:26 PM