today’s budget debate was not yet one and a half hours old, as the member of the Parliament introduced the scheduled expiration on the head. Actually, the Council would want to discuss the Budget of the Directorate of Justice done, but the head of Jacqueline Fehr (SP) was missing.

The fit of the SVP at all. They requested that the Budget of the financial Directorate is preferable. That Fehr was not present, was an Affront, was René Isler (SVP, Winterthur). Thomas Vogel (FDP Illnau-Effretikon) not more coveted, at least, to know why councillor Fehr was missing – what’s the loud heckling from the ranks echoed, you don’t trust in the Council.

Fehr has yet to even enter

The reason was different, namely that the Parliament’s leadership had expected that the Budget of the Directorate of Justice would be advised on Monday, and had to rely on Fehr. She was at a meeting in Bern, and asked her Deputy, financial Director Ernst Stocker (SVP), to fill in. This said, he to trust it fully, to argue in the name Fehrs. Council President Yvonne Bürgin (CVP) asked the Council, the request of the SVP to reject: “you make the whole process on its head.”

It helped nothing. The motion was approved with a 92:77 votes; Fehr is once again in the cantonal Parliament take the column.

yesterday, Monday, the Winterthur councillor Fehr (SP) made for discussions and a lack of understanding in the cantonal Parliament. Trigger an election campaign interview in the “land messengers”. In it, she complained, indirectly, that the district of Horgen in the government Council Ernst Stocker, Thomas Heiniger, and Mario don’t be Fehr represented well what was optimal, as there is in the lakeside villages, little Innovation, and politicians are shaped by their environment.


Created: 11.12.2018, 16:43 PM