A girl with long braids sitting excited at the hairdresser’s. Today, one could speak of Pippi Longstocking pigtails, but not in this Hairdresser because the girl will have to invent the chair until many years later, Pippi.

Now panic flickers in the eyes of the hairdresser. Should he really do it? But the young customer orders: “Cut off!” And so SNiP, snap, fall the braids to the ground, and the 17-year-old Astrid feels a bit unsure, but also proud of the new Bubifrisur.

A hairstyle that was seen on the cover of a German fashion magazine, which has managed, miraculously, to in the Swedish province of Vimmerby. “The modern woman” on the Cover, and the girl feels that she wants to be exactly that – a modern woman.

to dash away from the Potato field

What are the fights that meant in the 20s, from the parental Potato field, the Church dance afternoons, and the little girls pigtails in a self-determined life, including the feature film “Astrid” tells about the young Astrid Lindgren, one of the most beautiful films of this year.

From the life of a writer, its exciting to Create with the Label “children’s writer” is completely unsatisfactory, you could tell many of the stations in the movies. Their War diaries from 1939 to 1945, which appeared under the title of “humanity’s lost his mind”, could provide plenty of material. Also as it was in the men’s club of the smoky literature operation of the post-war period to the best-selling author, is a story in itself. As well as her difficult marriage to an alcoholic, and her work for the Swedish secret service in the Department of letter censorship in the 40s.

The Danish Director Pernille Fischer Christensen didn’t want to Lindgren, the famous woman, but from the unknown girl Astrid tell. Of the Battles of your youth, you went to the woman and the writer known to the world as a whole.

Christensen, who is no longer on the first set of European author film – for the love of the drama “En Soap” she won at the 2006 Berlin film festival Silver bear –, wanted. with “Astrid” away from the clichés Way of the bullerby-romance of the old Lindgren-film adaptations, away from the image of to communicate in Swedish Übermutter, the embodiment of the old Astrid Lindgren until her death in 2002.

film biographies do it is always good if you focus on one phase of life to the personality of a human being to work out, to illustrate, rather than a dictionary entry. This Station is in the “Astrid” is an experience from your late puberty. Like its siblings, the Teenager Astrid has to help the parents after school on the farm, the family of the Church has leased. The life of the field, the cattle, and of Religion. On Sunday mornings, the family horse-drawn Carriage through the snow in the cold Church, sitting next to the other members of the community on the hard, wooden benches that give the smallest girl, a disorderly squeak of a giggle.

That Astrid is not made for country life, you must see the strict parents. In the school newspaper her daughter has written an essay with the title “life on our farm”, and this Text has got to be the only Editor of the Ortszeitung “Vimmerby Tidning” into the hands.

The freedom, with the boss to sleep

This Reinhold Blomberg, the personalized midlife crisis. He wants to be in the process of divorce and trying to get his life and his work back in the handle. Therefore, he is looking for an editorial help. So Blomberg (Henrik Rafaelsen) and asks for Astrid’s parents for permission, and give in under the condition that Astrid will help to retract after work during the haymaking and Wood.

For Blomberg it receives enthusiastic obituaries and wedding announcements, reads a correction and may write small reports on a strange contraption called a typewriter. What most of the newspaper volunteers today as a journalistic limbo felt, for the life of hungry girl’s Paradise.

“What is for you the future,” asks Blomberg, and his diligent assistant. From Astrid, it immediately bursts with shining eyes: “freedom!”

To this freedom for you also, that she sleeps with her boss. Astrid wants to learn the life, and Blomberg who wants to forget his current life, fall in love. On her first erotic adventure Astrid Lindgren has spoken very late to the public. Because the affair ends for the girl tragic: it is, to the dismay of parents pregnant by a still married, 30 years older man.

That alone would have been in the rural Sweden of the 20’s-years for a society to completely crash enough. But Astrid is not decides to get the child, but to also waive, to the related father. You take your life into your own hands – the ultimate provocation.

The movie follows Astrid on her way to Stockholm, where she hides her growing belly in front of the blasphemous home community. From there, she travels to Copenhagen, where it is the only hospital in Scandinavia, where women anonymously a child into the world can bring. After the birth of your son, Lasse, a Danish foster-mother, and a Secretary completed the Stockholm indoor training in order to earn money for their small family. The child she only sees every few months.

The worst time

This separation, which takes place over three years, is the most difficult time of your life. And it is the origin of all the lonely boys in their books: of bosses in “Mio, my Mio” up to Lillebror “Karlsson from the roof”. It is, of course, also the origin for all the rebellious, tempestuous girl from Pippi Longstocking to Ronia, the robber’s daughter.

Astrid Lindgren is Played in the Film by the actress Alba August. The should have taken care of wrinkles in Sweden for the forehead, because the 25-Year-old from Denmark originates. But the way she plays this role, with a curious hunger for life, as you can only have it with 17, remains really no doubt that she is the perfect cast. Your presentation of the Astrid Lindgren makes it to the big discovery of this year. (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

Created: 11.12.2018, 17:15 PM