Europe and the whole world is witness to: The French power plant Emmanuel Macron is threatening to wreck. A GAU. This has internal reasons, and also because he makes arrogant mistakes, but also external. And are not least in Germany. In the case of Angela Merkel and her government, the guilt by omission.

As was, as a Macron, the young bearers of hope, ID figure emerged, seemingly for all of them? A movement from left to moderate right. And they all wanted to be his friend. The Chancellor sought in his vicinity, because without France, in Europe, for Germany. In a Europe-Minded, such as Hungary, Austria, Italy. Countries of importance. The more is the importance of the German-French relationship.

Because, as it stands at the beginning of the coalition agreement: “A new start for Europe” is the goal. Not as a footnote, but 200 rows as the overarching project of this Grand coalition would be to make on the side of France. “The renewal of the EU will only succeed if Germany and France work with all our strength together. Therefore, we want to strengthen the German-French cooperation, and renew. A new Élysée Treaty is a first and important step, which should in particular strengthen the European political cooperation. Germany and France must, in particular, be a motor of innovation, ( … ). “

Beautiful words

… and large and small plans. Go to projects such as the joint exploration of artificial intelligence, but also “common positions as much as possible all the major questions of European and international policy, and in areas where the EU action is not with 27 member States, capable of”. Whether through the strengthening of the European investment programme, EFSI, the led not only continued, but expanded, through the conservation of important structural funds after the Brexit; or through the Expansion of exchange programs such as Erasmus and more funds to fight youth unemployment; by a new posting of workers Directive; a new framework for minimum-wage regulations and basic security systems in the EU member States; a “fair taxation of large corporations, especially the Internet companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon”.

all This and much more is in the coalition agreement, and it is connected with German – French cooperation. And, as of today? Is Macron is doubly weakened. In your own country, the support is crumbling in Europe, the Federal government makes him, to advance his “girlfriend” Angela, many of the reform projects alone. Not only the Greens, Sven Giegold at the top, are horrified of the horror from spreading. For Macron and its policy are linked beyond the borders of Germany with Europe, and also the yellow the West, Europe does not currently connect with hope. And so full Pro-European Agenda threatens its glow to be due to a lack of support from the Federal government, a faint-hearted.

Germany gave the cold shoulder

“As the Federal government, the French President snubbed, you could see the last of digital tax and the Euro-zone reforms. Originally, the tax for the 180 largest digital companies should apply, thanks to the Federal government with giants like Amazon, Apple, and Airbnb should be well spared. Macron is also weak, because the Federal government is weakening for over a year with your Hesitation and Procrastination. The Federal government has contributed to the loss of Reputation from Macron. At the EU summit this week, the Federal government needs to be bolder and according to the coalition agreement Macrons Europe political objectives.“ Sven Giegold from the European Parliament says, and who is unwavering in the belief in Christian and social Democrats in the Bundestag, listen to it in the same way: Macron wanted to help. A Bat, two, three times, made Merkel compliments, Yes Germany a Declaration of love in the Bundestag – and got what? The cold shoulder.

the irony of the story

One particularly grieves, is Martin Schulz, the Monsieur for a Europe of social democracy. Still. He has pushed all the time, as the SPD chief to the own and the other coalition parties. And it still does, even against the Background of the ambitious Europe-article in the coalition agreement, he can only implement, not as a foreign Minister and a real Macron-friend. He speaks more often with him.

On Thursday, Macron at the EU summit to meet with the other European state and government leaders, including Merkel. And the European Parliament discussed Macrons project of the digital tax, and the German Blockade in the Council. Perhaps the self-forgotten and Hesitant remember. Without Germany and France, United Europe is falling apart. And that really would be the GAU.

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offer of the “yellow West” Emmanuel Macron is fighting on two fronts

Albrecht Meier

But the Chancellor is Yes, often it is said, a physicist. She has an idea of the devastating impact of wrong decisions. And now, from too great a consideration to be exempt, can you help the French friend. Not that your Vice-Chancellor, Olaf Scholz of the social Democrats, the idea of Martin Schulz could have been right, and, in turn, on Macron. Especially since Schulz has also repeatedly referred to the fact that the one who helps him, takes Macron also the pride.