What is the INF?
The Treaty on nuclear medium-range systems (Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces – INF) prohibits a whole rocket genus: Under the ban all missiles and cruise missiles with range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers covered. Also crucial is the location of the deployment is in addition to the range: are Prohibited the missiles if they are fired from the country, but not from the sea or from the air.

Who the parties are?
The United States and Russia. China, for example, is not a Contracting party, which viewed Washington as a serious deficiency.

Who has concluded the contract?
former US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev agreed on the prohibition of 1987, in Washington.

What is the significance of the INF?
The agreement was a milestone in the field of disarmament. Approximately 2700 the Short – and medium-range missiles were scrapped afterwards. The INF Treaty proved to be later than the beginning of the end of the Cold war.

Who terminated the contract?
US President Donald Trump has set Russia an Ultimatum, which expires today, Saturday. After that, Washington wants to terminate the contract, it would then remain for another six months.

Why you want to terminate the Washington Treaty?
The Americans accuse Russia of violating the Iskander missile 9M729 the contract, because they have a range of about 2500 kilometers. Already his predecessor, Barack Obama accused Moscow of 2014, such a violation of the INF, the Treaty but maintained.

These countries have the most nuclear weapons The signs are pointing to confrontation: What are the five largest nuclear powers want to upgrade.

What to say to the Russians?
Moscow rejects the accusations of the Americans, and declared that the Iskander missile 9M729 have only have a range of 480 kilometers. In addition, the Kremlin criticized the American missile defense system in Romania could “at any time” with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles upgrade, such as with the sea-based Tomahawk cruise missiles (range about 2500 kilometers).

What is with China?
For China applies to the prohibition of medium-range missiles. Beijing has reached with the missile Dong Feng-26, a weapon with a range of 3000 to 4000 kilometers and may, thus, most of the US bases in the Pacific.

What do the experts say?
you worry about that with the termination of the INF Treaty, the European security architecture, eroded and a new arms race begins race. In two years, the Start Treaty expires in addition, it provides for the reduction of strategic delivery systems for nuclear weapons. He is not renewed and falls to the INF, it says it is for the first time since 1972, without limitation, the arsenals. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 01.02.2019, 11:58 PM