When Alexander Oleinik of Russia Official once again, hear that there is in the sea of Azov “no problems” with the ship traffic, inspected by the Director of the port of Mariupol, the incoming ships. The Winter is mild these days, the sea is open, even the gulls find a place in the ice-free water. So, the ships, the want from the Black to the Azov sea and more to Mariupol to have, actually, free travel – were it not for the Russian border officials, who obstruct the travel through the Strait of Kerch on for days and days.

The Adamar from Liberia, in the Ukrainian port of Mariupol, on a bright January day 13’500 tons of wheat for England loads, had to well have to wait 33 hours before the Russians let you pass. A couple of Kai’s more, the leaders of the in the national colours of Yellow and Blue painted port cranes, steel plates, hoist on the freighter Federal Nagara. Just three days, the ship in front of the Kerch Strait had to wait on the drive-through.

The Crew of the Turkish cargo ship Hazar turned even sit and wait for 86 hours, before the Russians it were. If ships Mariupol to leave with their cargo, and back into the Black sea, the game can be repeated. “The goal of the Russians is clear”, says port Director Olejnik. “They want to conquer our Region, by suffocating us economically slowly.”

Waiting for 17’000 Swiss francs per day

The key is from the Ukrainian point of view, in the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk. If the around 25’000 workers in Mariupol steel mills Asowstahl and Illitsch or the export send of Ukrainian cereals: All depend on the ports, and the ports of them and the will of the ship – owners and logistics companies around the world, their cargo into the sea of Azov. The calculation is simple: A Wartetag in front of the Strait of Kerch will cost a ship owner quickly the equivalent of more than 17’000 Swiss francs.

In the description of the port Director Olejnik weakened Russia, the economy in the Region long before the border guards on 25. November, the Ukrainian Navy boats in international waters, illegally fired, and a 24 man crew. “Certainly, earlier we were privileged,” says Olejnik.

From the steel works in Mariupol and Donetsk, the coal mines of the Donbass and the wheat fields of the Region led the way by rail directly to the port of Mariupol. “But when Moscow started its war against us, was our big Plus to a large Minus.” The tracks and bridges were interrupted by shelling, a number of coal mines and steel works were on Moscow-controlled territory in the Donetsk or Lugansk. “We have lost millions of tons of freight on coal, steel and grain, which used to be loaded here,” says Olejnik.

In the Empire of the oligarch

Certainly, Mariupol is not only the Harbor with its 3700 employees; it is a 450’000 inhabitants of the city, with a vibrant cultural scene, universities, and even from the tsarist era theatre. Nevertheless, Mariupol consists mainly of the Empire of Rinat Akhmetov: the richest Ukrainian oligarchs, engaged in Mariupol up to 40’000 people and the production of the steel works Asowstahl and Illitsch so far, through the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk in all the world, shipping had.

This went on, despite the war in Eastern Ukraine and Russia’s illegal annexation of the Crimea, for a long time. In front of the Strait of Kerch captains had to wait in the rule, only two or three hours. But then Russia built through the Strait on his own authority, a not with the Ukraine agreed a bridge between the Crimea and the Russian mainland.

Olejnik says: “As the Russians closed in August 2017, the fairway in the middle of the bridge with two gigantic steel arches, were the only ships with a maximum of 33 metres in height. Freighter from the USA, South America or Asia, who invited us up to 30’000 tons of coal or steel, up to 41 metres high – was blocked by a blow of the way to us.”

Without the free passage of the ports and the Region as a whole have no perspective.

From may 2018 to stopped the Russians in addition to dozens after Mariupol and Berdyansk driving or coming, the ships just before the ports themselves. It was only when the Ukrainian Navy freighter was accompanied by boats of September, with armed patrol, were the Russians of their checks – were the ships now in the Straits of Kerch to endure. Average waiting time in November alone, at the entrance to the Azov sea: a good five days, as Figures from the info service Black Sea News show. The result of the war and the partial blockade: Were handled in 2007 in the port of Mariupol 17.5 million tons of cargo, 2018, only 5.3 million tonnes.

Also in the 80 km away Berdyansk, the City managers have reason to worry. Mayor Vladimir Tschepurni is located in the town hall from the Soviet era, many of the 120’000 inhabitants still call the “party Committee”. “After the annexation of the Crimea, we were among the few winners,” says the mayor, whose gigantic figure appears to blow up his office, as well as the full bass voice. “We are not only port, but also the resort: Instead of 300’000 up to 1.5 million tourists came to the loss of the Crimea in the summer.” However, after the Ukrainian Navy in the spring of 2018, announced that it will hold in the Azov sea maneuvers, “stayed away immediately a couple of hundred thousand guests. And if tensions don’t subside, I’m afraid even more to the upcoming summer season,” says Tschepurni.

more dramatic is the situation in the port of Berdyansk. In 2016, there were loaded nearly four million tons of cargo, 2018, not less than two million tons, says managing Director Alexander beard Chan. “So that we can write deep red Numbers. Our main customer Akhmetov steel works, and others of his company. But the longer the wait times at the Kerch Strait, the more steel goes by rail in the port of Odessa or even to Europe, even if it is significantly more expensive.” In front of the partial blockade 1600 people worked in the port. Several Thousand Jobs Bart hang Chan, indirectly, on the success of the port. However, in recent months, the port had to lay off 350 employees. “Without a free passage to the port has no perspective – and the Region.”

enlarge map

Already, the construction of the Russian bridge through the Kerch Strait banished according to experts, both against the UN law of the sea Convention as against an agreement between Moscow and Kiev in 2004. Since the military impact of 25. November and international protests, is loosening Moscow the waiting blockade sometimes temporarily, says Andriy Klimenko of the Black Sea News.

“As Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron on the 28. December called for free navigation through the Kerch Strait, there was a couple of days and little or no waiting time. At the beginning of January, the ships had to wait again for days. Only when the German foreign Minister, as at 18. January to Moscow comes, or how by the end of January a high-level EU Delegation to Mariupol, the waiting time,” said Klimenko. Unlike ships to Mariupol or Berdyansk Russian ships in Azov sea Russian ports to pass through the Straits without waiting time. The Western diplomats, as well as the owner of a in Taganrog stationed cargo ship to confirm.

Moscow denied

The organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) followed the war in Eastern Ukraine from Mariupol. German Chancellor Merkel has proposed to President Vladimir Putin already in the end of November the observation of the sea close by the OSCE or the German-French observers. However, a corresponding OSCE mandate, Moscow refused to officially. Negotiations between the foreign ministries in Moscow, Berlin and Kiev to agree to the stationing of a permanent German-French Mission in the Strait occur according to various sources on the spot.

In the EU require Poland and Sweden, England or Denmark against this Background, the introduction of new sanctions against Russia. The USDiplomatie is this to consider. Analyst Klimenko argued for additional sanctions against Russian companies in the Crimea. “Because of the illegal annexation of Crimea, sanctions imposed for Russia is very painful,” he says. “Crimea today is the most subsidised Region in the whole of Russia, the Moscow is an annual fee of hundreds of millions of francs. If the Russians restrict navigation through the Strait of Kerch, could the Europeans or the Americans sanction in turn also Russian ports like Novorossiysk, Taganrog or Azov.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 31.01.2019, 20:43 PM