Arbetsmarknadsutredningen notes, the other previously identified: There are no grounds for arguing that private actors do a better job than the public when it comes to match and equip the unemployed for jobs. In either Swedish or international research is any support for it. Nevertheless, the labour market policy debate for a long time focused on who should do the job. The question of what it is that needs to be done to strengthen the matching and conversion of the Swedish labour market has been overshadowed by the repeated calls to privatise the employment service.

If the goal is increased efficiency and clarity in the work that the employment service is responsible for – then, the solution is not to fully outsource the execution of private actors, the beats investigation firm. A full-scale privatisation would not facilitate the collaboration with other actors, the municipalities, not at least, which is necessary and which has actually been improved in recent years.

Here unravels a gap between policy and knowledge. There is no doubt that the employment service is in need of reform. The unemployed and workers who need to set for the new job, as well as employers, must be able to rely on that society’s efforts to match and upgrade is effective. The roads to education needs to be improved to enable more people to be able to meet the requirements of the labour market. Policy micro-management must be held back, and the cooperation between the state, employers and other stakeholders promoted. But instead of letting the knowledge of what works guide policy means januariavtalet an ideologically driven privatiseringsexperiment.

To complete the januariavtalets privatisation will hardly benefit workers in need of to be able to set about on a labour market of rapid change. It will not help the unemployed who need support and efforts to take the step to the job – in particular not those who have the weakest position in the labour market and, therefore, likely to be prioritised last when private companies will do the work. The availability is likely to deteriorate in parts of the country, where the conditions for good profitability is less. Nor do employers who want efficiency in their recruiting will to win on the match shatter on a variety of different actors. The only potential winners are the companies now see a greater possibility to enter a tax-funded market.

in Order to be able to launch such a model will require an extensive and complicated apparatus for management and control to try and limit all the negative impacts likely to otherwise occur, in full accordance with the logic of the market.

as a result of the M-KD-SD-budget that was voted through in parliament in december will begin a dismantling of the public employment service. Thousands of employees have been given their notice. More offices will be closed. This affects all unemployed people around the country who are at risk of being left without support to get into jobs. To Januariavtalet completed, this is just the beginning of an employment policy morass – the last thing Sweden needs to be in a situation where the economy is near the peak.

Political prestige and experimentiver must be added to the side. The government must, together with the C and L make a correctly as regards the employment services. Stop using the authority as a bat. Take hold of what is important – the reforms actually required for matching and conversion to work on the labour market.