a Lot of optimism, but not a real movement: In the American-Chinese trade disputes have shown a US President Donald Trump and China’s Vice Premier Liu He on Thursday after a Meeting with confidence. “We are now going to get a great trade agreement, if it all works,“ said Trump. Trade representative Robert Lighthizer said at the two-day negotiations in Washington progress had been told that there is a lot of work.

The hospitality of Beijing handed Trump a letter from the head of state, Xi Jinping. The relations between China and the United States were “at a critical point”, – said in the Letter. “I hope both sides will continue to work in mutual respect,” wrote Xi.

Trump, wants to meet soon with Xi, the trade dispute between the two largest economies in the world, ultimately to settle. The Letter Xis he described on Thursday as “a beautiful letter”. A date for a summit is not given yet, said the US President. It should come to a trade agreement, and that this will be the biggest ever to be closed.

Previously, had been high-ranking delegations of the two countries for two days in Washington together, looking for ways out of the trading conflict. Trump said, in the end, he will meet together with Xi to the decision. The USA have covered China, with special duties on imports of goods to the value of $ 250 billion. China had, in turn, with special duties to the military.

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the order in terms of Content there was on Thursday still quite serious differences. “We will not get a Deal, if we open it up for the farmers and for the industry,” said Trump. “Without an agreement would not be acceptable!”, he had already said previously via Twitter. In the case of financial services, there have been already in progress.

You work hard on it until 1. March to get an agreement, said Trump. If there’s no solution for you, he wants to increase the special duties on imports from China to the value of 200 billion US dollars from the current 10 to 25 percent. Both sides had agreed at the beginning of December in Argentina on a 90-day-long ceasefire.

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points of dispute are, among other things, the struggle of the USA against the theft of intellectual property, hidden subsidies in the Chinese state, as well as the smuggling of the Opioid Fentanyl in the United States.

Both countries have covered in the past few months, each other special duties, so that now about half of all US imports from China is burdened with Extra duties. The special tariffs on Chinese imports, the United States could currently billion. “We have demonstrated with very high duties,” said Trump.

The United States demand more market access in China, a reduction in the US trade deficit, as well as a better protection against piracy, and forced technology transfer for operating in China are US companies. Washington wants to force Beijing to operate structural Changes in its state. The compliance with agreements is an important point, said U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer.

The new round of talks between the two sides had begun on Wednesday. For the U.S. government, among other things, the trade was attended by representative Robert Lighthizer, a trade Minister, Wilbur Ross, and Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin. The Chinese Delegation was headed by Deputy head of government and chief negotiator Liu He that should come on Thursday afternoon (local time) with Trump.

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trade dispute United States and China are optimistic about talks

The talks were overshadowed by a U.S. indictment of the Chinese telecoms group Huawei. The company and Parts of its management is accused of, among other things, to have the US sanctions against Iran. The company rejects the accusations and believes to be able to you in court. (dpa)