Against Federal police President of Romann is not determined. Allegations in connection with the return of an alleged murderer from Iraq have been dropped. Now it is clear why.

the case against the President of the Federal police, Dieter Romann, is set. The had said the Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt am Main a few days ago in connection with the murder charge against Ali. Romann had been displayed, after the Return of Ali b. by several people, including a lawyer from Karlsruhe, and a Blogger.

Now, the detailed justification for the SWR, why Romann and the GSG-9 officials are innocent. In particular, there had been no deprivation of liberty against the suspected murderer of Ali.

Ali b. will be brought by officers of a special unit from a helicopter to the police station West of Hesse.

in Detail, the public Prosecutor describes the process of retrieval: Romann have more than trust ten years of full contacts of the Kurdish security forces in Northern Iraq. Therefore, Romann called during the manhunt for Ali B. at the beginning of June 2018 Dilshad Barzani, the representative of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan in Iraq for Germany and the EU.

note to the security authorities

Romann reported the escape of Ali B. – to the border police duties and Self-protection, as stated by the Prosecutor’s office. To warn, therefore, in front of Ali.

I called A day later, Barzani back and informed that Ali B. was taken and they wanted to deport him. Romann I agreed and had flown with several of the police officers of the Federal police, as well as a Doctor and a press Secretary to Erbil.

There, Kurdish security forces, Ali B. would have brought in the plane and waited until the doors closed for departure. The Doctor had to certify the airworthiness of B., the Federal police had ensured the safety of the flight. Only after the landing in Frankfurt, Ali B., had been through the special operations command of the Hessian police arrested.