Little did Elin Bergius (24) and Christian Fredrik Trælnes (23) that they should find true love on “Paradise Hotel”, when they met each other during the recording in 2015.

They are one of the “Paradise”-couples who have kept love outside the skandaleombruste the hotel. Since the two entered the TV screen for soon four years ago, they moved to Stavanger, had two children, dog, house and car.

Now also reveals the duo that they have engaged themselves.

Kept the engagement hidden

It is on the Instagram Stories that Bergius revealed himself by posting a cryptic picture of a brudesalong with the following text: “The one who knows it know”.

REVEALED: There was this picture Elin Bergius let out on Instagram, where she revealed the engagement. Photo: Screenshot, Instagram Show more

When the Newspaper takes contact with the 24-year-old, confirming the previous realitystjernen that it is true that she and Christian Fredrik Trælnes, or CF as he is referred to as, is going to get married.

– Yes, it’s true. We got engaged in 2016, but has not talked so highly about it. Things went very quickly between us, so I was a bit afraid that people would judge, tells Bergius.

HAD to HOME: It was Julie Grindbakken who had to pack the stuff after the surprising twist in the “Paradise Hotel”. Video: TV3 Read the full story here:—var-veldig-toft/69744618 Show more Courted in front of Justin Bieber

To the Newspaper, she explains that the proposal happened in the most romantic way she could see for herself. The 24-year-old, who is big fan of popsangeren Justin Bieber, was proposed to during a Justin Bieber concert two years ago.

– It was absolutely perfect, ” says 24-year-old.

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Tänk att it soon är 4 years sedan jag mötte dig in Mexico – my CF ❤️ @trelnes

A post shared by Elin Bergius (@ebergius)

the Duo is well underway with bryllupsplanene, and know exactly how drømmebryllupet, which takes place next year, will be.

Will ride on a white horse

– We shall get married in the cathedral in Stavanger. I have a dream about to come riding on a white horse to church, just as in a prinsessefilm, but the CF just laugh at me. But it’s going to happen, ” states she.

This should be “Ex on the Beach”-the gang now: – It is quite sick

Bryllupsplanleggingen is the pair that stands for itself, and for everything to be exactly as they want it to be, have they taken themselves a good time.

Wedding costs a lot of money, and the day I am married I will not think of anything else than to enjoy myself. Therefore, we have chosen to put away all of the cooking and other things to other people. We have thus had to save money, and used plenty of time to plan, ” she says.

the Case continues below.

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Now approaching, however, the wedding fast approaching, and the duo will as mentioned get married next year.

– Now the most booked and arranged. Today, we have among other things organized a chef.

These are with in this year’s “Paradise Hotel” Completely different life

life has changed for the Bergius and Trælnes the last four years, is not to stick under the chair.

Even need Elin to pinch himself in the arm.

– I have all the creeps to think about it. We live a completely different life now, so I think almost no longer that it was on “Paradise Hotel” in Mexico that we met for the first time, she says to Dagbladet.

It was in June 2016 that they became parents for the first time to little June. A year later they could want their other children, dattera Belle, welcome to the world.

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K Ä R L E K . . . . . #instadaily #motherhood #boo

A post shared by Elin Bergius (@ebergius)

That the little family are having a great time on the day, is not difficult to see. Constantly sharing both the couple glimpses of everyday life through their accounts in social media.

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my Life’s been turned on its head the previously-Paradise-profiles