the Swedish schools Inspectorate would like to Järfälla municipality shall pay a total of sek 1.5 million in fines. It is about two parallel applications, at sek 500,000 and a million dollars, and the reason is various problems on the F–5 school Aspnässkolan that the municipality has not managed to come to terms with for several years. The applications were submitted to the administrative court on 15 January of this year.

in Addition, threaten the schools Inspectorate, Järfälla municipality, with a new viteskrav if the remaining problems are not addressed by the 23 april of this year. The amount now stands at the games is another 3 million.

” It has taken a new, third, vitesbeslut. It is a new period, which expires in april, ” says Cindra Lindblom, a lawyer at the Swedish schools Inspectorate.

the municipality is liable to be forced to pay is, therefore, one-sided 4.5 million.

the Background is the problem that has occurred on Aspnässkolan when it comes to, among other things, lack of security, study environment, and measures to combat abusive treatment over a longer period of time. The schools inspectorate visited the school at the end of 2016 and could then note that it was messy in the classroom on a number of occasions in the investigated classes. In the protocol described how it ”thrown in the pens over the classroom, students teasing each other and using bad words”. It appears also that all the signals of abusive treatment were not notified – and that it had to do with the staff at the school did not know what type of events would be reported to the principal.

the Principal at the time, which since then has stopped at the school, told me then that the defamatory words are not always notified. The reason was that the school had ”had a full-time person for the job”.

the supervision in the autumn of 2018 tells the students in the interviews that many feel vulnerable, both physically and verbally by other students. Of Skolinspektionens decision shows that the students had been exposed to ”stranglehold, punches, kicks, pushes, threats and insults in the words,” in the weeks before the agency’s visit. Several students described how often it was ”chaos” in the classroom – sometimes even daily.

The new principal admitted that there were insecurity and violations in several classes that had failed to manage. In some lessons, it must have been problems with study environment, with students who got into a fight in the lessons.

Among the other problems at the school were deficiencies in the specific support for individual pupils, in the study – and vocational guidance and in the systematic quality work.

In Skolinspektionens application to the court, it appears that the school has come to grips with several of the problems, and thereby putting down the required payment of a total of 600,000 dollars – and lands on an application for 1.5 million dollars.

– Here, it was so that we have two vitesbeslut which we apply for at the same time. Then, the administrative court may decide differently, so it may be a different amount, ” says Cindra Lindblom.

, Anitha Sidefors, took over as acting rector from 1 april 2018, and took over formally the office of president in June. She believes that the problems at the school have to do with the many exchanges of school leaders and principals at the school in the past, which has ”created uncertainty for both staff and students,” according to her mejlsvar to DN.

She emphasizes that the fault is of the students. ”It is we adults who need to work more consistent, have routines and structures that are clear to the children, and all adults need to be good role models for them,” she writes on.

Anitha Sidefors mean that the solution is to create routines and structures that in the past has been broken”. She describes the solution: ”We are now working to create an equivalency in all classrooms, ranging from veckobrevsmallar that look the same in all classes, we created a ’baslektion’, a konflikthanteringsmodell, clear rules, routines and procedures for how we handle and investigate violations, procedures for elevhälsoarbetet so that all students receive the support they need.”

”I believe that I have a very great responsibility, and also that I take that responsibility very seriously. We have had time to do much, has implemented the structures and routines that, I think, will turn the school if we all implement what we decided. I think I notice a difference now. And I hope that we had until 23 april, when the schools Inspectorate will come back to us. It is only a short time, but I am convinced that this school has all the conditions to become a school where security and peace prevail, and may be ’Järfällas gem’.”

To help, the school has several different instances, ” says Anitha Sidefors on. In addition to the Education and Järfälla municipality’s resources, the school may also help from the Mid sweden university and Skolcoacherna, a business training and coaching in the government commission on ”working together for the best school”.

“I have good hopes that we shall reverse the trend,” she says, and adds in a mejlsvar: ”I think we are headed in the right direction, and I want to believe that we are doing the right things already to address the criticism.”