Even in the 80s, over 90 percent of the population were either Catholic or reformed. Nowadays, there are even more non-believers than Reformed, as the latest Figures from the Federal statistical office show.

more and more people return to the country churches in the back – more men than women, most of them are between 25 and 44 years of age and educated. “These are the typical characteristics of the people who leave the Church”, says Stefan Huber, a Professor of Religious studies at the University of Bern.

The main reason for the dramatic increase of the unchurched in the 90s, there were still 3.5 percent, today, Switzerland is far every Fourth (26%) – no more see Huber in the so-called secularization of society: “In contrast to the past, it is today necessary that a Religion to belong to, to be a good Swiss, a good Swiss.” Religion is a private matter.

In the cantons of Basel-city, neuchâtel, and Geneva particularly, many people have left the Church, in Basel, almost every Second. The urban-rural ratio is debt: Basel-Stadt and Geneva are both “city-cantons”, and in the cities of the secularisation is taking place faster than in rural areas.

in addition, the three cantons with the most religious “ghosts” of their origin, are reformed. This was no accident, according to Huber: “Protestants it is easier to leave the Church, as Catholics.” You can also see in Eastern Europe, where the Protestants, generally speaking, more members have lost, while the Catholic Church was able to keep its members relatively well.

come, therefore, that in the Catholic Church, the necessary wire, so compelling a mediator to God is not Faith, while in the case of the Reformed, the Church is necessary in order to enter into contact with God. Therefore, these members of the Church of the outlet trap; the reformed Church be the big loser.

It is this Church to succeed, on top of that also less good, to integrate the migrants, it is a Swiss invention: “The reformed Church is much the axles more to Swiss culture than the Catholic. This used to be a strength, but today it acts more as a barrier for migrants,” says Huber. Every fourth member in the Catholic Church in this country is not Swiss, while in the case of Zwingli’s successors, only every twentieth member has a foreign passport.

The still exponentially increasing Trend towards non-belief will not cancel in the next ten to fifteen years, with estimates of Huber: “But this is not a law of nature.”

Because whoever emerges out of the Church, is not automatically an agnostic or an atheist. Many still have a need for Religion or spirituality. Therefore, it will be increasingly more facilities, which cover this need for spirituality – is simply not churches.

This is shown for a number of years. With the secularisation of the diversity of religious offerings is growing at the same time. While the Catholics, with a population share of 35 per cent, are still strong, will decrease the Reformed, according to the estimate of the scientist of today is 23.8 percent to less than 20.

The Migration means to the inlet for Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, or the ever-increasing Islam. Also, the Christian free churches will continue to grow, ewie about the ICF Church, the pick-up with pop performances successfully a young audience.

Our society are imminent in the face of this change in troubled times. Until 50 years ago, the two state-dominated churches, since Zwingli’s appearance before 500 years peacefully side by side and ensured religious stability. Now they are increasingly being replaced by various currents, churches and institutions: “With the religious peace, it will be over,” says Huber. The competition and conflicts between the different concepts based players will increase, because all want to be heard.

Also with the secular state, it will often lead to disputes. Examples such as that of the Muslim boys in Therwil BL, did not want to submit to his teacher to Welcome, on religious grounds the Hand, there will be more in the future. Or the thing with the circumcision, the removal of the foreskin in boys, the state and Judaism again and again into the Fight. Huber: “the state and society need to consider how to create a culture of Conflict and a balance between the religious providers.”

* correction: In a first Version of this article, there is for the first time, more non-believers than Reformed. In fact, the denomination outdated, the Reformed loose already close in 2016, as the “Sunday newspaper” reported.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 31.01.2019, 16:07 PM