Floorball national team head coach Petteri Nykky had to leave on Saturday in Espoo, finland play Sweden-the test match between.Petteri Nykky is piloted in the Finnish floorball men the world championship in 2008, 2010 and 2018. JARNO KUUSINEN/AOP

in December Finland men’s floorball national team from the world championship piloting Petteri Nykky is not a Saturday, a bench behind, when floorball men face in Espoo, finland playing in the test match in Sweden.

Nykky, 53, hurt his back slick know Eerikkilä sports institute at the icy hill. Floorball national team gathered in Eerikkilä Wednesday to prepare for Saturday’s match.

Slipping was so severe, that Nykky was taken Eerikkilästä ambulance Forssa hospital. Now Nykky is to take care of Töölö hospital, and the front is the back surgery.

Saturday’s match against the Finnish team lead the coaching team includes Samu Kuitunen and Jussi jäntti, development .

Finland-Sweden match will be played Espoo Metro arena on Saturday at 16.