“Numerous thrushes trend in this year’s census of birds”

“you Have an unusual number of blackbirds at your bird feeders? Then you are not alone. Sweden’s national bird is unusually large, shows the annual national bird survey which Birdlife Sweden is implementing.”

“In some places it has gråsiskor in large numbers invaded the matningarna.”

“For the fourteenth year in a row, the association Birdlife Sweden, urged the Swedish people to count and report the birds at the fågelborden the last weekend in January. All reports have not come in yet but there may be a record in the number of reports, ” says Anders Wirdheim at the Birdlife Sweden.”

“– If the flow follows the pattern of previous years, we learn to end up somewhere at around 22 000 reports.”

“Anders Wirdheim see some clear trends in this year’s census of birds. From eastern Svealand and eastern Gotaland reported amounts of gråsiskor.”

” We believe that these gråsiskorna have come across through the sea of Åland., from Russia or Siberia. Gråsiskorna can come all the way from China, and we know it by the ringing, They are capable to fly through the whole of Siberia, even though they are small birds that weigh less than ten grams.”

“Gråsiskan is a so-called invasionsfågel, move on if there is a lack of food.”

“another species that is unusually numerous this year are the blackbird, in a vote in 2015, was named to Sweden’s national bird. Anders Wirdheim see two reasons for the unusually large number of blackbirds visiting our feeds. One is that the mild beginning of the winter may have attracted the birds to take a chance to stay in instead of pulling to the south. Another reason may be the warm summer with plenty of food for the birds during reproduction.”

“Bergfinkarna betrayal Sweden”

“A species that is reduced is bergfinken, which usually pop up in southern Sweden in search of bokollon during the winter, and also look forward to fågelborden.”

” Last year we had hundreds of thousands of bramblings in Blekinge and northeastern Skåne, at the time, but not this year. Instead, we have received reports of huge amounts of bramblings down in Hungary. Austria, Slovenia and Serbia. Apparently has word of mouth gone in bergfinkarna that this is where the bokollonen in the year.”

“national bird survey is carried out by several different reasons, according to Anders Wirdheim. One is to stimulate the fågelintresset.”

“– During the winter, so get each and every other human bird watchers. We expect that it is a half a million households that feed birds in the winter. It is something we want to encourage.”

“another reason is to get a hint about how it goes for our birds.”

” During these 14 years, we have seen, for example, that some birds are extending their vinterområde north in Sweden. A clear example of this is the blackbird in the early 2000s there were up to Sundsvall, now you will find single copies all the way up in Norrbotten, explains Anders Wirdheim.”

“Preliminary leaderboard from this year’s census of birds, with the placement from 2018 within the brackets.”

“Source: the national bird survey”