One of the Affected not be called Jay, it’s his real Name, but he wanted to tell, what all this means for him now. That he has infected a few years ago with the HI-Virus, is for the young man “is definitely a very private matter,” as he confided anonymously to a reporter for the Singapore “Straits Times”. The blade reported on three pages, what moves the city-state at the Moment: Due to a data leak in a strictly confidential patient enters information to the Public.

The affair stirs up, many citizens are worried about the security of your data. Singapore is pushing ahead with a comprehensive digitalization in all spheres of life and would like to distinguish itself as an innovative “Smart City”; Cybersecurity gains for all citizens, a larger and larger importance. And when it comes to breakdowns, Stokes the Fears, especially in this case, because the data is so sensitive.

As the government announced, are confidential information of 14 200 HIV patients were recorded in Singapore, to the Internet. Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers. Among the victims also the 8800 to be alien. Singapore raises serious allegations against an American doctor who is said to have stolen the data and put it online.

As a Jay of the data leak, he immediately thought of his 60-year-old mother, he said. How would it be if friends and relatives have confronted you now? Only a single close friend he had entrusted to each. How many HIV patients he fears the Stigma and that his family could be excluded if his infection is not known.

It is not the first Time that the city-state of confidential data from the health apparatus were stolen. In the summer of 2018 came hack to the information of 1.5 million Singaporeans had visited the clinics. According to the government, the stolen information contained no diagnoses, but information on drugs prescribed in 160 000 cases. Supposedly, it had said, the perpetrators also targeted on data of the Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, who was due to cancer treatment.

Suspects out of the country

The traces of the leak from the HIV data of health officials lead according to the government, to a 33-year-old doctor from the United States and its partners, a high-ranking Singapore. The Couple spent several years in Singapore. According to Channel News Asia, the two 2014 got married in New York. The Singapore authorities accuse the US doctor now that he had settled on his Partner, have temporarily headed the national Board of health, confidential HIV data and have now been published. About a possible motive, nothing was known. The US physician is no longer in the country, he was deported to 2018, after he had served a prison sentence for fraud and drug offences.

In the process it was determined that the Americans had given a wrong blood sample for a medical Test, because he feared that he would otherwise not receive a work permit. In Singapore, the state may require of foreigners a such HIV-evidence, if you apply for a work permit. Anyone who has been infected as a foreigner with HIV in the state of Singapore is undesirable.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 30.01.2019, 06:28 PM