a few days Ago, because they abounded with high in Huawei’s self-confidence. The otherwise so secretive Chinese telecoms group had been invited to this press conference in a suburb of Beijing: “We have the best cyber security, data protection,” exclaimed Board member Richard Yu and pushed scratched: “We are the Best!” Contradiction? Alas, to no avail. “We have the best Reputation”, taught Yu the journalists. “Our customers have full confidence.” Huawei can’t be stopped. That was on Thursday. And now? Huawei has once again legal Trouble in the United States. And this time the stick comes it is thick.

Immediately before the new negotiations on the termination of the trade dispute between the United States and China, the American Ministry of justice has initiated a lawsuit against the Chinese group and the delivery of an Meng Wanzhou, in Canada held chief financial officer and daughter of the founder, requested. Meng was on 1. December in Vancouver festival and later released on bail. A Federal court in New York had issued the arrest warrant, because Huawei is to systematically against Iran sanctions violated. Since then, nothing more is between Beijing and Washington as it once was.

And between Beijing and Ottawa not at all: just a few days after Mengs arrest were detained in China, two Canadians. Michael Kovrig, a former Diplomat, policy adviser, and Michael Spavor, a business man who travels to North Korea. China accuses you of activities that “endanger national security”. In January, a third of Canadians came into focus. He was convicted of alleged drug smuggling to 15 years in prison. A court of appeal converted the freedom in the death penalty.

the US have unmoved now-authorities in New York to clarify its allegations: a Total of 13 charges. Huawei will not only have the sanctions against Iran. It is also a question of money-laundering on a large scale, fraud and other offences. In addition to Huawei is the secrets of T-Mobile operation to a test robot for mobile phones illegal.

Some in Washington see a new Cold war looming.

In the centre of American allegations of the activities of the alleged Huawei, a subsidiary of Skycom. In Iran, the company is said to have done business with facilities where American products are installed have been a penalty infringement and a criminal Offence in the United States. The group denies Links to Skycom. The leadership in Beijing speaks of political motives. Research by the Reuters news Agency suggests, however, that Skycom and Huawei are closely been connected to each other. The commercial register, excerpts from Iran and Syria show that at least one high-level Huawei employees have been appointed to the Iran-Manager of Skycom. In addition, at least three persons with a Chinese name power of attorney for Bank accounts with both Huawei have according to the documents, as well as Skycom. US trade Minister Wilbur Ross asserts that the Scrambler would be no connection with the forthcoming negotiations between China and the United States on the Trade dispute.

if you Listen to these days American politicians, then it is, however, always to China. The concern is that the country is not any more under President Xi Jinping’s small, but big has his very own, the United States position in the world in dispute, and that this ignores, unfortunately, for far too long. Distracted by Russia and the fight against terrorism. Now the super tightens power, mobilized its forces for a confrontation with a country that is said to have called the former US Secretary of defense Robert Gates, internally, “the Soviet Union of our days”. Some in Washington see a new Cold war looming.

mutual dependence is the competition

The technology industry is now the field on which the first battle will be fought. Both Nations are vying for supremacy in the Internet. Long this went amazingly well, the Americans invented the technology for the Smartphones in China, they were screwed together, with American Chips. For both sides a good business seemed to be to prevent a confrontation, the mutual dependence was, and is, the crucial difference to the Cold war of the old days.

Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was taken at the beginning of December in Canada, and is now back on the free foot. Video: Reuters

But China is no longer just the factory Bank of America. The Chinese produce now Were on a world level. And first of all this is, you managed to, of all places, in an area that had to lead to conflict: in the technology industry. Now the discussion is fueled by the fear of the United States, at the end of may. “We are losing”, in a Dossier of the National security Council, in the it comes to 5 G, the new mobile radio standard. Self-driving cars will be able to communicate about it or machines in the production. It is a great opportunity and a huge risk. Compared with what is skimming in the future, data could be, are the current opportunities for the small stuff.

Switzerland is active

A group of members, in the USA, has introduced a bill that would prohibit the Export of Chips at Huawei and ZTE, a second Chinese Telecom companies. 5 G, the mobile Internet of the future, is now the first field of the dispute. As this began, journalists have researched the Australian Financial Review. It was in Canada, in July 2017. The secret service heads of the most powerful eavesdropping Alliance in the world, the so-called Five Eyes, had retreated, after their official meetings in a Resort in Nova Scotia. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came by for a Drink, for dinner we had Lobster. Then the question was discussed, which has been asked so many times before: How dangerous it is, if the technology for the revolutionary Development of the Internet comes from China?

A formal decision has not become known until today, but the results are now visible around the world. Statements, Interviews, warnings, the United States were, even in Germany and Japan approached with the urgent Request, Made in China.

In Switzerland, wants to take the security policy Commission of the Council of States the network equipment supplier expected to be in April under the magnifying glass, how the West reported Swiss television and Radio, RTS, on Monday. Has called for the investigation in the Canton of Vaud SP Council of States Géraldine Savary. It could be that neighbouring countries such as Germany are concerned, and Switzerland have the feeling to be resilient against forms of espionage from abroad.

The results will provide a basis for decision-making. Representatives of the defense Department and the intelligence service will be according to the “rendezvous” of Radio SRF parliamentarians to answer questions. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.01.2019, 21:36 PM