anti-Semitic incidents in schools are not recognised in Germany are comprehensively and systematically. The Samuel Salzborn, a Professor at the centre for antisemitism research of the TU Berlin, and Alexandra Kurth, a political scientist at the University of Giessen, in a released on Monday, stock to “anti-Semitism in the school criticise”. The experts are calling “the introduction of a mandatory notification procedure for anti-Semitic (-) cases” in the school Supervisory authorities.

After a query, the ministries of education of the countries of lower Saxony, has “no special reporting for anti-Semitic incidents in schools”, the same applies to the Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt and the Saarland. In other countries, such as in Thuringia and Saxony special occurrences are to be reported, when it comes to right-wing extremism or anti-Semitism. In North Rhine-Westphalia, since may, 2018 anti-Semitic offenses of the schools should be reported to the police, in the state of Hesse and Baden-Württemberg are required to report such cases to the school supervision.

the Berlin school administration as a model

However, whether and how many cases have been recorded, learned researchers. Your documentation of the countries in the survey, was about to learn from Brandenburg that there is no anti-Semitic incidents were known, from other countries, such as Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt it is, there is no evidence for an increase in incidents. In many cases, quantitative information is missing.

As a model, the authors see, however, Berlin with his “statistically accurate collection and reporting system”. 2017 19 cases of anti-Semitism in schools had been recognized. It is also highlighted that the educational administration has an anti-discrimination officer is appointed and in the “land office for equal treatment – against discrimination” of the administration of justice, anti-Semitism is explicitly addressed.

salt born and Kurth not only require nationwide reporting systems, and a public documentation of the cases. Each case had to be decided by schools and authorities, the extent to which a criminal prosecution is warranted. In the case of teachers, the comment anti-Semitic, would have to consistently be subject to disciplinary and legal measures. Generally speaking, anti-Semitic discrimination should be worn in the “General Public”. To the parents that such incidents should be communicated to always “as a Problem”.

charge: schools fight back responsibility

Overall, the authors attest to the teachers and school leaders, “a lack of awareness of the problem”. So anti-Semitism would be tolerated if he “is voiced from a Muslim context”, and sometimes “from a misunderstood multi-perspectivity”. Any anti-Semitism must, however, “without regard to the political, social, or religious context of the people be formulated to be rejected as false and untrue,” salt is born and Kurth. The schools throw “responsibility for defense”, if, for example, on the role of the out-of-school learning places as memorials referred to. In addition to the family, the school, remained “the Central socializing Agency of the Federal German society,” emphasize the authors.

Supplemental textbook recommended to anti-Semitism

The joint Declaration of the standing conference of Ministers and of the Central Council of Jews in Germany by 2016, according to a comprehensive presentation of Jewish life and of Jewish history anti-Semitism to counteract, is seen in a positive light. However, in the textbooks, the Initiative is hardly. The same is true for the framework guidelines and curricula, which the school books were for the most part. So, be geared to the field of Israel, “dramatically one-sided propälestinensisch”. Salt born and Kurth Federal-wide approval process for textbooks and a supplementary school book, “anti-Semitism”, the Minister of education and the Central Council to recommend to work together.