In Leslie Citroen’s company is the injustice between the sexes scandalous: The female Chicks of their best-selling chicken breed, the Japanese Seidenhuhns, sold Citroen for 300 dollars. You live with spout, organic feed and lots of love is a Paradise. The small valves are breathe your life after a few weeks in a butcher’s shop in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Because you apply with your black skin and black bones to the Chinese as a delicacy, receive a Citroen after all, 10 dollars for it.

The Chic

There are the two sides of the new Chics in Silicon Valley: the chickens in your own garden. More and more of the well paid employees of Google, Facebook, Apple and the other find a balance to a hectic day in front of the screen in a few moments with the hotel’s own hens. And valves are not provided. So pretty the farm Idyll may be, the morning crow to disturb the neighbors, and most of the communities allow anyway, no taps.

There is this Trend, not only in the Bay Area, also in the Rest of the United States and in Germany, people chicken keep more and more private. But this is Silicon Valley, here the things are a bit different. And so it comes about that the chickens have organic feed, they have names and that you spend the night not sheds rare in Luxury.

“Do you about a chicken coop from Amazon in the garden, if you have a house for 15 million?”Leslie Citroen, entrepreneur

“Do you about a chicken coop from Amazon in the garden, if you have a house for 15 million?”, Leslie Citroen asks. It’s not really a question. Long carpenters have adjusted to the wishes of the new clientele. Your stables look like small country houses or romantic cottages to turn on automatically the light to their inhabitants with fresh water and serve them to the owners at any time live videos on your mobile phone.

No Problem, so a Stall will easily cost 20’000 dollars. Because he is a little more than a shelter for chickens: “These people have a big garden, the Pool and the fire,” says Citroen. “What you need is the chicken coop.”

The chicken Whisperer

Citroen is the chicken-Whisperer of Silicon Valley. To not come to her people if the chickens understand each other, if they don’t lay eggs, or if people just want to talk about your new Hobby. Up to $ 225 they charged per hour and can save in front of customers. “This year was just crazy, and there will always be lunatic.” Grew their business in the previous years to 20 percent in the year, there were between 30 and 40 percent. Because of the online shop, which she runs is Yes, and the own garden, blooming rose bushes of hundreds of young chickens of various breeds running around. Citroen, it is difficult, on the wooden terrace short to sit still, she is so full of energy, as it must be, so as a business out of Nothing.

A road sign warns in the residential area of Willow Glen in Silicon Valley before the chickens go on the road. Photo: Alamy Stock Photo

2009 was, in the middle of the great crisis. Citroen had lost her Job at a construction company, as they wanted to sell their surplus Chicks are a rare breed by the small display on the Internet. The rush to the advertisement was so great that Citroen could have hundreds of Chicks to sell.

And the people wanted more: food, equipment, advice. And because Citroen has not only energy, but also pragmatic, to expand your business.

comparison with dogs you always hear

One of her customers, George Machun. As an advertising Manager, he has earned well and could afford to go to retirement at 63. Machun lives alone; he would have to do everything you can: travel the world, perhaps, or a sailing boat to buy. But his dream, so he, told was a different one: their own chickens in the garden. “It is much more beautiful than I could have ever imagined,” he says.

Eight chickens belongs to the whole of the large garden of his house in an affluent town an hour’s drive from San Francisco. Of course, all have a name, “the animals have their own personality, just like my two dogs,” says Machun.

The comparison with dogs you always hear when talking with people about their chickens. If a bird dying, then it is a sad day, a tragedy, they say, just like a dog. And so Leslie Citroen sold for some time, also tomb stones for chickens.

salmon as a food popular

just When he is invited to friends for dinner, George Machun no more wine, but eggs. In a special gift box and each provided with a stamp, which is called in the spiral writing of the name of the chicken, and the date.

How many of the new chicken Machun holder swears that its eggs taste better than from the supermarket. Would not surprise it, and finally the Silicon Valley chickens get a little different food than most of their conspecifics. Salmon is apparently a thing – because animals like him and he gives the egg yolks a beautiful Golden hue.

Machun. every afternoon at four on a date with his chickens They were waiting excitedly that he will bring you fresh watermelon. “The one you love.” He often observed the animals for a long time. “I could watch them always, they are so intelligent, fascinating animals,” says Machun. And: “you have brought much Good into my life.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.01.2019, 13:16 PM