“The opposition a chance as long as the military backs Maduro”

“the Crisis in Venezuela teetering on a pinch between the civil war and negotiated settlement.”

“But as long as the military backs up the current president, Nicolas Maduro, it becomes very difficult for the opposition to take over power.”

“at the risk the country to become a pawn in an international power play between Russia and the united states.”

“That Maduro has a background as a bus driver says nothing about his intelligence.”

“But if you as a leader is in possession of a country with the world’s largest oil reserves and yet it manages to run the economy completely into the bottom, so you are more than not incompetent.”

“Venezuela, which, not so many years ago, one of Latin america’s most economically prosperous countries is reminiscent of the day of the Soviet union. The shelves in grocery stores empty, and where there is nothing to buy there are long waiting lists.”

“the Healthcare sector appears to have more or less collapsed. There is extreme shortage of medicines and consumables for ensuring hygiene.”

“A country where toilet paper is almost impossible to get a hold of is a country on the verge of a revolution.”

“The main reason for the revolt.”

“of anti-Government demonstrations are treated routinely with tear gas and live ammunition. The death toll is rising all the time.”

“the Opposition leader Juan Guaido says that talks are underway with the military to try and get them to change the page, among other things by promising an amnesty for offences committed under the Maduro government.nMen so far, the highest military expressed continued support for Maduro.”

“The day the military takes his hand away from Maduro won his case to go very fast. Apart from a small minority who still believe in the somewhat home-made socialist revolution that his predecessor, Hugo Chavez started so there is zero popular support for Maduro. So it has been a longer period of time. For ea to remain in power has Maduro been forced to transform itself to the dictator.”

“the Parliament, which is the only institution which can somehow be considered as representing the people, have been dispossessed of their power by the Supreme court on the orders of Maduro.”

“Venezuela is in a very dangerous situation where two people touted itself as the country’s legitimate president.”

“Maduro holds the record in virtue of his våldskapital and a fuskval last year.”

“Juan Guaido, chairman of the parliament, has declared itself in power by a massive popular support, but he is not democratically appointed.”

“However, he has scored parts of the democratic world in support of a longer time able to witness the country’s accelerating humanitarian catastrophe. The united states, Canada, Australia and a number of Latin american countries have recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate president. The EU says that it will do it, if not Maduro agrees to hold early parliamentary elections.”

“How weak Maduro position is shown by the fact that he had not dared to arrest Guaido. To the Venezuelan militärattaché in Washington defected to the opposition, and encourages the other soldiers to do the same is an indication in the same direction.”

“another problem for Maduro is that it the united states he constantly condemns in his speech at the same time is a major purchaser of Venezuelan thick oil. An american boycott would worsen the economic crisis.”

“unsurprisingly, the set of authoritarian regimes like Putin’s in Russia and it kommunisstyrda Cuba on the Maduro side.”

“This helps to ensure that the situation is potentially extra explosive.nInte enough with that civil war can erupt in Venezuela. There is an obvious risk that if an armed conflict erupts, it will fast to get a storpolitisk dimension.”

“President Trump says he does not rule out a military intervention, and Russia is said to already have sent security guards to protect Maduro. The situation can quickly become very dangerous also from an international point of view.”

“It is hardly what hungry people put in the main room but what Venezuela needs is free and fair elections so as to break the vicious circle that pulls down the nation in a state of chaos and paralysis.”

“the Question is, just how it’s supposed to as long as Maduro did not resign voluntarily and there are no signs that he intends to do it.”