He was ten years old. And much to thin. It started out harmless, with a bit of Gymnastics at home. Then he upped the dose. Finally, he trained every day at least one hour of power exercises, lifting Weights, jumping rope, Jogging. In the Internet, he ordered preparations to build muscle. Finally, the weight of the 1.30-metre-wide primary school pupils and 25 kilograms. Normal over 30 pounds would be.

Under a training also forced a 15-year-old Teenager, had to be treated as a Patient in a competence center for eating disorders at the hospital in Zofingen AG suffered. “In addition to the turn of hours in the school he trained at home for hours and hours, lifted Weights, did Push-ups,” says chief Bettina Isenschmid. “In the end he gave up and not a day more, without moving.”

boys and young people, register medical practitioners, increasingly suffer from a fitness addiction. “This is often combined with an eating disorder,” says Isenschmid. “The Überbesorgnis that the body is shaped to little or not muscular enough, has increased in the case of boys and young men.” Particularly affected the professionals do, “that boy in clinics the classic anorexia is increasingly being observed”.

weight: the Same number of girls as boys

affected documents, The can Isabelle Herter-Aeberli from the Department of health Sciences and technology, ETH Zurich, statistically. She has analyzed the weight data from more than 2,200 children from the whole of Switzerland between the ages of six and twelve years of age. The yet unpublished results from the years 2017 and 2018 show that 1.4 percent of local children are underweight, boys and girls are equally affected. The primary pupils in the whole of Switzerland, converted the equivalent of over 9000 children, too little weight on the scale.

Similarly, the evaluations of health promotion Switzerland. The Foundation has evaluated the Body Mass Index (BMI) of boys from the elementary school in Berne, Basel and Zurich. In the school year 2017/18 0.7 percent of the male had, therefore, elementary and middle school students, as well as 1.2 percent of high school students a problematic body weight – they were too easy.

skinny is looking just for younger children, not only a female disease, says Dagmar Pauli, chief of child and adolescent psychiatry of the University hospital Zurich. Among the ten – to twelve-year-old patients that you treated last year, were the same number of boys as girls. “The younger you are underweight children, the more balanced the sex ratio,” says Pauli.

“body model”

in Addition, would today be suffering always seeks younger children to lean. For boys, those who have a few Kilos too much on the Ribs do not fall ill often, but boys with normal weight, says Pauli. You reduce the food to be slim, and want to rush with dumbbells, Jumping, or Jogging, build muscles. With little success: the boys are too young for guns, because it’s the testosterone.

sports at a young age is not healthy, says chief physician Pauli, “but, in order to model the body.” Boys should go Jogging or go to the gym, but exercising in a group exercise, where the Fun outweighs factor, such as floorball, Judo or Tennis. “Exercise should be Fun and not drudgery.” And especially: For the physical and mental development, it is important that the children have enough to eat.

protection could offer age requirements in the fitness studios.

today, However, it often runs different. Experts such as Pauli back to the conversations at the family table. Today’s parents are already with the beauty – and slimming-print that grew up and would now give more, not only to daughters but also to sons, says Pauli. “That’s fatal.”

Already a primary school, a bad Conscience, if you bite a piece of cake, and want to wegtrainieren the calories with Jogging and strength training again. Protection could offer age requirements in the fitness studios. However, consistent guidelines are lacking. At Activ Fitness teenagers are allowed to train from 16, with the consent of the parents. At Kieser Training, a body size of at least 1.50 meters is the determining factor. Who is less, must remain outside.

facilities for the training of addiction is a lack of

advertising and fitness craze in the social media continued today as the benchmark. “The Fitness Lifestyle that is propagated on Instagram, it increases the pressure on your own body image,” says Roland Müller, a psychologist at the Inselspital Bern. “Boys and men react to it often so that you perceive your body as too little muscular. Then you begin to train excessively.”

The psychologist works at the Pep (the prevention of eating disorders in a Practical way), which is connected to the island’s hospital. Müller treats the young men who go every week, five times to the fitness center, and twice to go Jogging. They suffer the delusion, to have too much body fat. And who emulate their idols from the bodybuilding scene, the pose on the net. “It takes more education,” says Müller. “You have to make people realize that Fitness is at a certain point, healthy.”

“Often they have a long ordeal before they come to the clinic.”Senior physician Anna Tholen

is discovered later, an addictive disorder, the more difficult it is to treat. This also applies to compulsive Exercising and manic count calories. On the psycho-somatic psychiatric therapy ward of the children’s hospital in Zurich to be treated looking for young patients with anorexia. “They come from all social strata,” says a senior physician Anna Tholen. “They often have a long ordeal before they come to the clinic.”

meal times, leisure, Sport: At the children’s hospital, everything is strictly regulated. The mobile phone is deliberately fed only at night. “Young people need to learn how to deal with the ever-present images of supposedly perfect bodies,” says Tholen.

fitness addicts need to be treated as a game addict: – dose withdrawal. But it is ill-equipped, says the Aargauer Doctor Bettina Isenschmid: “facilities with specific programs for the training of addiction are lacking in Switzerland.”

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 26.01.2019, 20:49 PM