create A compost that is not possible for everyone. Many of the place – or of the garden is missing, plain and simple. However, few people know that such is not absolutely necessary.

Because now there are Alternatives to the traditional compost: worm compost and Bokashi (Japanese for “fermented organic All kinds of”). Two composting systems have in common that they make do with little space and using living things here, worms, since the micro – waste from uncooked and vegetarian cuisine, a valuable fertilizer spells, which can then be used for the balcony – and terrace plants, or backyard garden.

appetite for egg cartons

if you create a worm compost wants to Tinker, to find on the Internet numerous guides for yourself. In the trade right out of the box systems, but are recently available. About the Zurich Start-up Wormup, the standard model of sound (340 Swiss francs) gorgeous appearance something (, or in the case of the Gossau company natural worm (, the two worm composter for 205, respectively, 369 Swiss francs.

whether it’s crafted or bought worm composter consist of several sieve-like floors, and will be stocked with compost worms to buy, as well as with a small cut, if possible, soft, raw, and best if something wiped Rüstabfällen.

It is very impressive, as the critters themselves transform egg cartons into high-quality fertilizer.

First of all, the worms will need a bed, this is made of newspaper, and coconut fiber, or a similar organic Material with which the floor is designed. Compost worms are smaller than earthworms and the like at a higher temperature. In addition to the Rüstabfällen you eat the shells, even coffee grounds and egg, small animal dung and damp newspaper and cardboard.

The compost system works well in the apartment. Image: PD

It is very impressive, as the critters themselves transform egg cartons into high-quality fertilizer, if for good living conditions is taken care of and you can multiply wacker. The optimum temperature is between 15 and 25 degrees, then they are most active, the great summer heat and icy cold not get them.

spend the Winter, the most well-transportable systems in basements, hardened worm compost fans take in the living room. The worms are afraid of light, therefore it is recommended that its site of action with a coconut Mat or similar cover, before the coming of the vessel, read closing the lid on it.


a System Is made fresh, in operation, is Try something and intuition, until everything is stable and works and conversion. Finally, only worms on the plant, various microorganisms and bacteria are involved in the process. It is similar to the Compost windrow in the garden: the Emergence of odor emissions, there is somewhere an imbalance. This can be attributed to too much food, which is not utilized, and then starts to rot, or excessive moisture.

in Addition to the solid fertilizer, the worms also produce the so-called Wurmtee, a liquid that can be drained by a chicken, the should have each of the worm compost system. With water the Wurmtee is diluted in an ideal liquid fertilizer.

As the worms eat through the waste, and is the lowest floor almost full with wonderful dark humus-like looking, crumbly Material, added no more food. The the animal causes through the sieves into the next floor to climb out, if the worm bed is made and new food lures.

as soon As the worms inhabit the new floor, can be harvested in the bottom. A functioning worm compost is also allowed to safely go for a month to forget, if the worms have enough food and the humidity is right.

Acidic smell

In the second, space-efficient composting method, the Bokashi System, collect the waste in a specially designed bucket (commercially approx. 100 francs), until it is full. Then the capped bucket is left in the heat at rest, and the bacteria do their work under anaerobic conditions for about three weeks, Fermentation is complete.

The process is the same as in the production of Sauerkraut: a lactic acid fermentation, accordingly, the odor of the result is sour. The process is faster than that of the worm compost, but it is less “exciting”, it can be observed, such as egg carton in Humus is converted.


The result of the Bokashi is a brown mass, which acts due to their low pH is corrosive and therefore not in the root vicinity of plants is applied can be. Better they will spread slightly away from the surface and superficial with the garden soil mix. After that you should wait at least three weeks of sowing or planting, and then the Bokashi can unfold its positive effect.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.01.2019, 10:40 PM