Since the Solberg-government got adopted their first budget, they have the bourgeois parties been at the top responsible for several thousand billion in state spending.There are staggering sums which tells all about how rich and privileged country is.

The Norwegian community is better shod to face the future than any of the similar states in the history of the world. Not only are we filthy rich – we also have great opportunities to part to live as rentenister of its oil wealth in a generation on generation.

We can thank the the both ourselves and luck. Luck that we found oil and gas, and the wise and long-term management of the finances that we will not have wasted them away. For almost all of the politicians have the management of oil wealth, with success, built on that we will use them to deliver the country further to the next generation in better shape than we took it over.

Even with the christian people’s party in government, and Siv Jensen as finance minister, there is little evidence that the policy is in the process of abandoning this line. Eager oljepengepopulister couldn’t smash the piggy bank.

Nevertheless, we see several signs of concern. Time and time again the government has shown inability to keep oljepengebruken on a sober level. Often without any reason other than lubrication of a knirkete cooperative climate with the Progress and Left. Rather than make tough priorities have Solberg bought himself out of trouble.

And when the zeros many in the budsjettforhandlinger, it is easy to see blind on the whole. Such clear accountability.

The last verse on the visa is that the government will now submit to take even more of the state’s milliardutgifter “below the line.” That means that it can use oljepenger outside the fiscal rule. Two aforementioned examples is to replace the billion that sank with the KNM Helge Ingstad, as well as finance the construction of the new government headquarters. Investments of 20 billion, used outside the fiscal rule.

up To now, there has been fy-fy for any government. And with good reason. Elementary financial management dictates that unforeseen expenses must be covered with the money we would spent on something else. Bust the washing machine at home, we must spend less money on other things. Sinks frigates, we have to postpone or scrutinize other projects.

This newspaper realize that the government only want to use the scope on the things that provide political support. However, we are surprised at the government’s lack of faith that most people can sympathize with the situation we’ve ended up in.

on the contrary, we believe that the Norwegian people appreciate a government that manages responsible, rather than one that tries to hide the fact that the tap account more than it should.