yesterday in the DR’s radio channel P4 in the program ‘Pop Up’ to hear the radio host Anders Bisgaard say the following in the extension of the playback of Gasolin’-the classic ‘Lots of success:
‘Lots of success – and they had so greatly and still have. Kim Larsen is touring still around, and of course he’s also playing a number of Gasolin’-the songs for his concerts.’
the Announcement that the popular pop singer, who died 30. september last year, and was 72 years of age, was still touring the country incessantly and entertain with Gasolin’songs, has been a part trusty P4 listeners.
Anders Bisgaard has also been made aware of the brøleren more than once, as the Extra Blade catches him over the phone to hear what went wrong, and if you accidentally press the wrong genudsendelses button.
– It is not a republication. ‘Pop Up’ is such a program, we put on, when other programs must be deleted, and yesterday there was disease, so we put this program on, says radio host Anders Bisgaard and continues:
– We always have a few pieces lying in stock. It is made sometime in the summer and has in the meantime become more or less obsolete. It has been so long, because it is a really long time ago, we have had the use of one of the additional applications, so therefore I was not aware that I had said it here in the program, and I would be the first to complain of the error.
Danish celebrity – 4. dec. 2018 – at. 13:36 Before the music: Kim Larsen’s big dream came in the sink
– How are you doing with it?
– I think it is megairriterende that it happens. And extra annoying that it happens in a program such as this one, where we use the time to fact-check and double check that there is track of it all.
– So you are completely aware that Kim Larsen is unfortunately no longer among us?
– In december ran the programs fast, and they were absolutely fresh. And I had actually a Kim Larsen-round with in connection with the fact that he was dead, so it makes the almost the matter even more ludicrous, that it here nødprogram then end up with that lie so long, that the errors appear.
Extra Magazine’s front page on Monday, October 1. October 2018 – the day after Kim Larsen’s death.