– We have a familiegravsted at Brønshøj Cemetery, as I and the family even maintains. But you must renew the right to the grave site otherwise it becomes abandoned.

– In the 2014 review I the family plot on 13 sqm – price: 5000 kr. Today cost a new 5 year period 7000 kr.

– It is a quite sharp increase.

so begins Lone J a mail to the nation! on the bill she has just been sent from the Copenhagen Municipality. Lone often comes at the grave site with her granddaughter, and she has for several years been saying that there are many disused burial grounds, and it seems she is too bad.

But she also seems to 7114 kr for the rental of 14 square meters of the burial place is a lot of money. her letter – as the Copenhagen Municipality is the equivalent of below – continues namely as follows:

– Our familiegravsted started with my great-grandparents all the way back to the beginning of the 1800s.

– Kirkegårdskontoret says that it is a political decision at the town Hall that the price would be so.

– But I think there must be dug in the decision, writes Lone, and therefore the nation! asked the Copenhagen Municipality’s technical management for answers as to why it should be so expensive, and how much the municipality actually takes home at the grave sites. And the municipality will very much like to reply to:

– Back in 2008, the Copenhagen’s Cemeteries, to the rates for land lease should be adjusted to the actual costs associated with running gravstedsarealerne on the cemeteries.

– It is also a requirement from Internal Audit in the city of Copenhagen that all kirkegårdstakster must be kostprisberegnet.

– in this respect It was calculated that the price of the rent of land would rise by more than a hundred percent, if it should correspond to the expenditure which the municipality actually has.

The Cemeteries, therefore, decided that the price should rise gradually over a number of years, until the calculated rate was obtained.

– It was assessed that it was a fierce increase at once to offer the gravstedsejere, who already had a grave in one of the municipality’s cemeteries.

– thus, It is this gradual phasing-in of the price increase, as the citizen experience.

– In 2008, the cost of the burial place, which is a measure of 13,5 m2, 2.821,50 kr. for 5 years. In 2013 the price was 5.440,50 kr. for the five years.

In 2016, was kostprisberegningen fully implemented, and here is the price 6.827,00 kr. for a 5-year period.

– From 2017, the price is the price and lønfremskrevet, and the price is therefore in 2018 7.114,50 kr., where the citizen will again have to pay for the renewal of its grave, if she wants to keep it.

The Graveyards send offers for five years at a time, but it is possible to pay for fewer years, if you want it.

– the Prices of the land lease increases proportionally with the size.

– This means that 1 m2 of a possession of a buryingplace of 1 year in 2018 cost 105,40 kr. x 13.5 m2 = 1.422,90 x 5 years = 7.114,50 kr. The most sold kistegravsteder is 3 – 6 m2, so therefore this is significantly larger than the average.

– in this context It is important to note that the city council last year decided that all charges, as the technical and environmental administration charges, should be looked for in the seams.

the Work, which has just been completed, was carried out with the help of revisionsvirksomheden Ernst & Young.

– Ernst & Young notes ift. this specific tariff ’traditional kistegrav’, that both the calculation and the method is acceptable and complies with applicable laws, just as they also agree in the standard price level at 6325 kr. for rental of 3 sqm land in 20 years.

– the Equation is set such up, since as gravstedejer must have a minimum of 3 m2, and fredningstiden for a coffin is 20 years. The tariff is also approved policy, it shall inform the Technical Management, which also has sent a summary of the revenue the city of Copenhagen has had on the acquisition and renewal of gravstedsjord over the past five years.

2014 eur 12.6 million. kr.

2015 eur 12.6 million. kr.

2016 14.8 million. kr.

2017 14.8 million. kr.

2018 14,9 million. kr.