Monika Grütters and Burkhard Dregger have analyzed the work of the Senate, excerpts: It ruled that “failure”, the Senator of the interior “not doing their Job,” the ruling “has no desire”, the housing policy makes “stunned,” the investment climate is poisoned”,” the coalition in the ‘war of position’, the Berlin picture “devastating” – and the people are “desperate, stuffed, or gagging”. The Moment, we expect to quickly (learn math with the Checkpoint): Na, as the CDU is smooth but on 99,9 %!

Anyway, Dregger wants to pressurising the coalition now “” – the Faction leader have to take care that the party Chairman missed the Halali, here’s a recent delay example: Already in October, some members had urged a “exchange” with Grütters, on Tuesday, it should finally be ready. And after the signing of the German-French Treaty, also let you directly from the roller box at Aachen (Yes, they have an airport), would the group in the course of the session, “grace”. It was expected Grütters 15 PM to 16.15 you sent to your Beehrung Waiting for a text message: “Standing still on the tarmac.” Now the “the exchange is terminated” at the end of March, so half a year later, as desired. In Berlin, each of them has its small BER.

From our “Checkpoint” from the daily mirror

This comment to the Berlin CDU, we have taken the new “Checkpoint” – the morning’s Newsletter from the Team at daily mirror editor-in-chief, Lorenz Maroldt . The “Checkpoint” can be ordered free of charge under this

read more about the CDU in the daily mirror

“The picture that Berlin makes currently, is devastating”: in view of the dispute in the case of red-Red-Green, the CDU land chief in a settlement. Only your party can’t benefit from it. Click here for the daily mirror-Text.

Frank Steffel from CDU district Chairman: He is not standing for the CDU district Chairman in Berlin-Reinickendorf. Also, a successor is already traded. Click here for the daily mirror-Text.

– Populist, perfidious and hypocritical! CDU parliamentary leader Burkard Dregger accuses the Senate to exacerbate the housing shortage with its policies. A guest post in the daily mirror.


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airport Berlin-Brandenburg to be Completed in October 2019? At BER, nothing can now go wrong

Thorsten Metzner

Twelve of the Newsletter, twelve districts go to: Our people-the Newsletter from all districts of Berlin you can order for free here: