Konsthallschefen and jurybossen Mårten Castenfors talking about ”the low threshold and the large-width” as the goal. Both konstproffs and färskingar is welcome to contribute, provided they attained the age of 18.

the Aim is to on these tolvhundra square feet to display everything between the tapestries, mobiles, painting, drawing, pottery, stone carvings, photo, träkonst and all sorts of arts and crafts, and more.

Castenfors makes this year its thirteenth vårsalong.

” Nah, no clear, fixed some of the staff think that it is more painting than in the past, it is possible. However, not so much the photo, video or digital works right now. But it is the spring salon, above all, shows each and every year is that anything is possible. You can as an artist working just how that time and it is a quality I think – the arts the kingdom of god is infinite, he points out.

Part of the Axis of the Österholms miniatyrverk ”the Place where I bought my first cig”. Photo: Julia Mord

“What we always lack is real political bangs, though this year we have a huge works a collective Shape in Malmö, made of small objects that 1 500 people contributed and that work looking for the outward,” he says.

– But there is a slightly subdued tone in our dark country. There is snow, it is cold and you work with their own. It is something that recurs year after year. Up here in Scandinavia so we sit and joxar themselves, a bit introvert, ” says Castenfors and adds that he also believes that a lot of people participating in the spring salon have a similar social background.

– It is often middle class with some form of preparatory art education behind. It is where the pattern I would like to break.

the presentation of the artworks is that the 254 selected to bid on a common tonality in the respective hall. In the initial, Third grade, is the art dimmed. Here reigns the nordic melancholy with Karin Elmgrens folkloric stop motion animation on the stympningstema. In Second grade hangs Vegar Moen ”Sydsamer” in the fund, six clenched women in costume caught on a photograph printed on aluminium.

Mårten Castenfors, director of Liljevalchs konsthall. In the background is a photograph on aluminum by Vegar Moen. Photo: Julia Mord

– They are tough women who stand straight up and down and … press up the whole room, there is a lot of weight in this, yelling Mårten Castenfors during his now opened operations ceased.

– It is real photography, and then there are like this right next door, ” he says, and turns a quarter turn to Inger Edelfeldts ”Grow up”-the cloth, it is fun for us to have with her very nice and a bit playful images.

Art that comments on the news feed shows Stefan Bennedahl in his muffled model in stoneware clay by Swedish Academy and its many empty chairs. The white, Sara Daniuska, knytblusen in carrara marble by Anna-Malin Andersson and Haverdalsskildraren Anders Built Putin – and Merkel-portrait in giclée likewise. Original grips are not missing either – Mattias Cantzlers whining snusinstallation in coarsely pine, Lisa Formares ekorrtassar in gold leaf or Gert-Ove Wågstams assembled parts drawn from a rörmokares toolbox.

among other things, the sharp blyertsporträttet ”Medkännaren” by Hanna Tamas, born in 1999, stately container ship in kiel canal, caught on the spot by the Stone-Yngve Johansson as Björn nordström’s precise image of women ”Somewhere…”.

In the final sal Twelve to this year’s jury – Castenfors, Helene Billgren, Lasse Åberg and Susanne Vollmer – konsthallspubliken shall piggas up. Drop everything introvert joxande.

“When people are a little melancholy as they are met here by strong colors and a little bit of crazy energy,” says konsthallschefen and nods with satisfaction towards the artist Bullevuttans ”Red sand” in acrylic. A humorous avklädning of Anders Zorn in just such a lush shrubbery as he placed his equally unclothed women in.

” I’m looking for is just energy and variety, a blend. In the jury we are looking for things that stand out from all the others, and then the young experiments from, for example, art schools to be amusing for the show something else.

Klara Bergman Fröbergs sculpture ”Historiesprickor” in porcelain with adhesive tape Photo: Julia Mord

” Not this time! But we have fine embroidery. Otherwise, the bead is a lovely and underrated technology, he smiles. However, we have with a guy, Axel Österholm, who is 18 and has made small wooden models of korvkiosker. One is called ”the Place where I bought my first cig”, the things I like.

Approval is Mårten Castenfors also facing Titti Winbladhs exact jätteavbildning in the oil of Drottningholm from above.

” here, I need to talk with the king, I should call him. He who dwells where should really buy this and 150 000 bucks is not expensive anyway for this.

the spring salon opens on January 25 in Liljevalchs konsthall and end on 24 march.

also Read: New attendance record for the Liljevalchs