Isac Elliot does not intend to describe Snapchat while you drive the car. Isac Elliot tell on the video, what music is the best.

the Pop star Isac Elliot told instagram in a changed driving style.

Today, the guys snäppäävät for me, I don’t get into trouble or break the law, Elliott said.

I’m a safe driver, Elliot insurance.

Instagram stories-the video of Elliot sitting in the swanky Mercedes co-driver spot while his friends drive the car.

Isac Elliot came on boxing day of age.

elliot’s behaviour was criticised earlier this, for he was mistaken only to describe the video while driving the car.

the first reviews up in the clip, the Isac ajaelun the Turku motorway and sing yell out at the same time hit song Love me Like You Do. Iehaving the second hand is at the wheel and another picture with my phone of the road.

the Second video, he drive around one time at night, and again he pictures the road while driving. Video on he is the author of the English text, which makes it clear that Isac have not seen a single car for hours.

Törttöilyt happened just half a week after 18-year-old Elliot had received a driver’s license.

Elliot immediately received a full-ikäistyttyäni last December, access to the G-series Mercedes-Benz. Luxuriously equipped, depending on the terrain the car the price may rise even more than 300 000.

I’ve had car fever so many years! It is incomprehensible that now really can I get a car and a driver’s license, Elliot told the birthday challenge scheme to their pumps to get the evening paper.

a picture of Elliot at the wheel, you can also see here.

This car Isac Elliot drive. Mikael Gabriel was similar, and he put it on sale in the spring.