caused the damage Bill Vinovich, he was quickly aware of. Only it was already too late. The experienced referee had made a mistake monumental and a Foul overlooked, was that according to all the rules of.

the last hundred seconds were in the playoff semi-final of the National Football League (NFL). 20:20 was the score in the duel between the New Orleans Saints and the Los Angeles Rams. In the stadium’s ears, it was deafening loud and the atmosphere heated up.

As this Foul Los-Angeles-defender Nickell Robey-Coleman in slow motion, it was shown on the big video cube, which is mounted on the roof of the Louisiana Superdome, since the specific cries of indignation by the imposing stadium. The Fans came out, they booed and whistled even louder than before, and on the sidelines, Sean Payton gasped for air. The Saints coach, crimson in the head, couldn’t believe it.

It was actually hard to believe how Vinovich, with 14 seasons as an NFL referee, one of the most experienced in his field, and his six-man Crew were able to assess this action is so wrong.

Saints playmaker Drew Brees threw a Pass to Lewis on the edge of the end zone, the Touchdown was close enough to touch – and so probably also the preliminary decision in this tight game. But before Lewis could catch the Ball, he was hit by Robey-Coleman. A rule violation, as a pass receiver must not be tackled as long as the Ball is in the air. In addition, the defender used his helmet to the Tackle; this is also prohibited.

The next Drama

The referee but none of the Offense ahndeten, the Saints attempt a field goal remained, so instead of Touchdowns. You went 23:20 in the guide, in turn, the guests of Los Angeles made up for, however – and in the extension of these won, thanks to three points. With the 26:23, move for the third Time in the super bowl victory in 2000, defeat in 2002. Opponent is on 3. February in Atlanta New England.

For the Saints, however, the dream of a second super bowl appearance ended once again in a dramatic way – as a year ago, in the very last second of the quarter-finals.

Their coach Payton was looking for immediately after the end of the game for explanations and called prior to the press conference at the NFL headquarters. “Since you have confirmed that the arbitrators were wrong. You fucked up, and it was decisive. This is hard to digest,” he said. Vinovich was the scene not seen, but TV images show that he looked at least in the direction of the action. And then he saw, certainly, the slow motion on the video cube.

Since 1986, the video evidence does not exist in the NFL. It was introduced to pressure of the Clubs. “It can’t be that a playoff is influenced the game by a wrong decision”, is kind of the model is quoted, at that time owner of the Cleveland Browns. In 1999, the “Coaches Challenge”, since the head coach two opportunities to challenge a referee’s decision. To do this, you throw a red flag onto the field – analogous to the yellow flags, with which the referee is a breach of a rule. Automatic Scoring is also checked. The procedure draws long breaks.

The discussions remain

The scandalous Non-whistle of New Orleans shows, however, controversial decisions could not be prevented. Even in the fully lit-up the NFL, it comes almost every weekend to controversial actions, which can set both fans, as you please.

This is due to the fact that the NFL puts the fact of decision-making in the hands of the video referee. Be checked only verifiable transactions. The Position of the ball, or number of players on the field. But not the hardness of Tackles, or the degree of contact with the opposing player. This remains a matter of interpretation. And the most common cause of all the discussions is the so – called “pass interference” – the Disturbing of a receiver prior to the Catch of the ball. As in the case of Lewis vs. Robey-Coleman.

“it is clear to Me that it goes fast. The Job of a referee is hard,” said Sean Payton, when he was reached in the analytical Phase of his Furors. “But it’s so much. Perhaps we should up the Replay possibilities.” (

Created: 22.01.2019, 10:59 PM