the Banks must to the pockets and pay part of the bill for that rundown danes can go earlier in the pension.

According to Ekstra information this is one of the elements of the plan, as Mette Frederiksen presents in the morning. 12.

So is it a part of the plan, that part of the funding comes from an additional tax contribution from the financial sector’ as it is called.

According to Ekstra information, it may be in the form of a tax on extraordinary profits as a result of ‘excessive speculation’, or a so-called ‘balanceskat’ as the framework for risk-borrowing.

the Social democrats have not yet settled on the final design of the taxes to the financial sector, but according to the proposal, it is expected that these revenues contribute 1.5 billion dollars.

the Party attaches immediately up to find three billion dollars to pay for the earlier pension in the first place.

The remaining 1.5 billion dollars coming supposedly from an earlier response to large salaries that may be deducted in the tax, and roll back the tax cuts on very high aktieindkomster.

the Right to an early old age pension according to the Social democrats to build on these seven principles:

The new right is targeted at those persons who are most run-down, whether it is physical or mental attrition.

The new right targeted people who have been many years in the labour market and that early started to work.

Therefore to be based the new right on objective criteria.

The new right could accrue to men and women equally, although they typically have different working life. It is absolutely essential that periods of maternity leave or part-time does not stand in the way of that you can get the benefit of the scheme.

People who are not directly covered by the right, but otherwise run-down, have reduced working capacity or the physical or mental genes, should be liable to search for the early old-age pension.

The new pension system must be simple and manageable for all. The individual must be announced in good time, so you can adapt to the new conditions.

The early retirement pension shall be socio-economically responsible and within the economic framework we devote.

below you can read the stories from a number of danes, who are being hit hard by the high retirement age.