man-made climate change is the biggest security and beredskapsspørsmålet in our time. If Ingvil Smines mean they do not take place, she is not fit, ” says Arild Hermstad, national spokesperson of Miljøpartiet The Greens (MDG) to Dagbladet.

today got Smines a symbolic key of the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara and the ministry now has two ministers from the progress party. Smines are responsible for the emergency preparedness in Norway, including how the community will stålsette themselves for climate change.

Smines asked today not to interview with enkeltmedier.

change of government: Erna Solberg about the new government. Video: Ingebjørg Iversen / Dagbladet / NTB Scanpix Show more – Guffent for the Progress and Left

In march 2016, stated Smines following to Aftenposten:

“I think there is climate change, but I don’t think necessarily they just are man-made”. Smines would further not answer if she believes that human emissions are the main contributor to climate change.

– I believe beredskapsministeren must have confidence in the research. When we have a minister who imagines that there are natural fluctuations, we have a serious vulnerability, says Hermstad.

– What do you think about that Erna Solberg deposits Smines?

It is a extremely poor signal. This may indicate that Erna Solberg does not take these reports seriously anyway.

It must be guffent for the Progress and the Left, who sells the regjeringsplattformen as a very environmentally friendly platform. They need to feel that they sit at the table with anyone who does not understand what this is about at all, says Hermstad.

– Has the confidence to journalists

Smines were confronted with the earlier statements of where she stated the following. Smines are married with Fremskrittsparti-politician Christian Tybring-gjedde:

– For to say it this way: It costs to be “the wife of” Christian, and it has led to that I don’t trust the journalists. I dare hardly meet in Dagsnytt 18 or other political debates/interviews. I have no idea what they can find on the. I just know that someone is so malicious, yes that is the word, that they can allow themselves anything. There we got to the degrees experience after 22/7. It was about to break the both of us, and just to talk about it means that I get breathing problems, she said at the time.

To the media today reject Smines that Norwegian journalists are spreading the hatred. She says that the statements came in connection with a specific episode of a private character.

– I have always tried to protect my privacy, and it was on the basis of a specific episode the statement came, said Smines.

I have, of course, the confidence to journalists

it Was an unfortunate statement?

of Course, that was it.

DEMONSTRATES: Comedian Sigrid Farmer Tusvik demonstrated when the new government was presented on Tuesday. Video: Ingebjørg Iversen / Dagbladet / NTB Scanpix Show more