a Little over at 11 in the morning could be prime minister Erna Solberg (Right) proudly present their extended firepartisregjering, consisting of the Right, the progress party, the Left – and KrF.

As expected This got three statsrådsposter.

Kjell Britain Ropstad, Olaug Bollestad and Dag Inge Ulstein.

– About when the other will decide over women’s rights

Ropstad are children and familieminister, while Bollestad is the ministry of agriculture and mr.. Ulstein is appointed development minister.

In contrast to today, transferred gender equality from the ministry of children and equality to the ministry of culture. Ropstad get to return the responsibility for the religious and livssynssaker from the ministry of culture.

Three Left

Left retains its three records in the government, and make no statsrådsbytter.

Trine Skei Grande continues that culture, but with expanded responsibility for equality. Iselin Nybø (V) continue research and higher education minister, today, and Ola Evestuen is the climate and miljøminister.

Frp container seven statsrådsposter, but make certain rokeringer.

the secretary of state Ingvil Smines Tybring-gjedde (progress party) was appointed to the samfunnssikkerhetsminister in the ministry of Justice and public security.

the ministry of Agriculture and mr. Bård Hoksrud (Frp) disappear out of the government.

the Positions as digitaliseringsminister and samfunnssikkerhetsminister is newly created.

Right from ten to nine

the Right goes from ten to nine statsrådsposter.

Child-, family – and equality minister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) is done in government and return to Parliament.

Today’s development minister Nikolai Astrup (H) is digitaliseringsminister in Municipal and moderniseringsdepartementet.

the Government counts now 22 members, including the prime minister.

It is also clear that the Sector profile Hans Olav Syversen is state secretary at the Prime minister’s office.